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What Do Dinosaurs, Distance Learning and a Denver Museum Have in Common?


Participate and share: Trip / Tour
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Banyan Global Learning
President of Banyan Global Learning which he founded in 2008 after Princeton graduation and teaching with NYC Teaching Fellows. Banyan pioneered international school-based daily distance learning English programs, offering IRL and VC EFL instruction to Taiwanese elementary and secondary students. Banyan’s developed and delivered curricula over VC in subjects ranging from SEL to digital citizenship, from CTE to UN Sustainable Development Goals, etc. Seth's programs have reached 10,000+ students on three continents and touched the lives of their teachers. He presents at elite edtech conferences and hosts two podcasts: "Make It Mindful: An Education Podcast" and "Why Distance Learning?"
Director of Partnerships & Engagement
Center for Interactive Learning and Collaboration
Before joining CILC as the Director of Partnerships and Engagement, Mitchell held a variety of leadership positions within departments of learning in art, history, and university museums. In these roles, she supervised the design of multiple Distance Learning studios as well as the development of the supporting virtual programming and training of affiliated staff. Allyson has presented in a series of national and international conferences to discuss the implications of integrating distance learning in museums. She actively published scholarship on this topic; most recently acting as co-author and contributing artist of the book 'Museums & Interactive Virtual Learning.'
Director of Member Relations
Tami Moehring is currently the Director of Member Relations at CILC where she manages overall operations and provides support, training, and mentoring to Content Providers and members. In her role, Tami is helping CILC grow its partnerships and expand its impact for CILC and Content Providers, as well as educators and students. Before coming to CILC, she spent nine years in museum education working at the Minnesota Historical Society and various museums. She has presented at state and national conferences on the importance of virtual learning. Most recently she co-authored the book Museums & Interactive Learning, which was released in 2022.
Programs Coordinator
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Kate Neff is a Programs Coordinator for the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. In her role she oversees the virtual programming in the museum’s green screen studios as well as co-produces the popular student broadcast, Scientists in Action. She is a Colorado native with a background in public education, environmental science, and art/illustration. Her favorite thing to visit while at the museum are the dioramas, specifically the bears and birds of the North American Wildlife halls.

Session description

Discover how education, technology and cultural exploration come together, as you embark on a tour of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Learn how museums prepare their spaces and experts for interactive virtual field trips. Session completes with a Why Distance Learning? Podcast recording with DMNS' expert in virtual learning.

Purpose & objective

Participants will gain practical insights into using distance learning as an educational tool.

Participants will witness a live podcast recording to consider how podcasting can be used in the classroom.

Participants will experience an in person field trip to learn active teaching approaches that are adaptive for live virtual field trips.

Participants will strengthen their own content knowledge by learning about recent research conducted by diverse DMNS experts.

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Arrival and Museum Trip Expectations
30 Minute Tour of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science featuring dinosaur exhibits and ends in the Distance Learning Studio.
30 Minute Podcast Recording of Why Distance Learning? Podcast
20 Minute Question and referral to explore the museum
*attendance to the event will include admission to DMNS for the day.

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Session specifications

Distance, online & blended learning
Curriculum/district specialists, Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
Career and technical education, STEM/STEAM