Event Information
Shannon Miller, Van Meter Community School District
shannonmmiller Twitter shannonmmiller Instagram ISTE affiliate: ITEC, TCEA Shannon serves as the preschool-12 district teacher librarian and innovation director at Van Meter Community School District in Iowa. She is also the Future Ready Librarians Spokesperson working with the Alliance of Excellent Education in Washington DC. Shannon is an avid blogger at, The Library Voice, writing, speaking and consulting on librarianship, education and students around the world. ONSITE ATTENDEE CONTENT5 Fun, Creative and Engaging Activities That Support the ISTE Student Standards Around the Horn with Emerging Technology Celebrating and Connecting Our Digital Explorers With Sonia's Digital World and LUV For Libraries Leading from the Library Through The Future Ready Librarian Framework School Library Playground Shannon McClintock Miller Book SigningVIRTUAL ATTENDEE CONTENTAround the Horn with Emerging Technology |