Presenter Details
Dr. Kaylah Holland, BreakFree Education, Go Teach Be Love
HollandKaylah ?hl=en Dr. Kaylah Holland is passionate about empowering educators through professional development, one on one coaching, and innovative lesson design. She holds a Doctorate of Education in Instructional Design and Technology with extensive research in active learning environments. She has spent years empowering educators and championing student-centered classrooms. She is a Google Certified Trainer & Innovator, a college professor, an ISTE community Leader, and was presented the “20 to Watch” award by ISTE in 2022. Kaylah is the Director of Instructional Technology and Blended Learning for BreakFree Education and works to empower educators to radically improve education inside juvenile justice facilities. ONSITE ATTENDEE CONTENTEducator Voices Lightning Talks Empowering Student Voices in the School to Prison Pipeline Global Collaboration Playground: Passport to Social Good Kaylah Holland Book Signing Putting Out Fires: A Framework for Solving Problems in Your Classroom or School Putting Out Fires: An Educator's Guide to Solving Problems in EducationVIRTUAL ATTENDEE CONTENTEducator Voices Lightning Talks Empowering Student Voices in the School to Prison Pipeline |