Presenter Details

Holly Clark, The Infused Classroom
HollyClarkEdu HollyClarkEdu ISTE affiliate: CUE Holly Clark is an education leader, international speaker, bestselling author and student advocate. She’s a veteran educator who has spent over 15 years teaching in a 1:1 classroom, and over five years as an administrator in public and private schools. She holds a master’s degree in instructional design and educational technology from Columbia University. Clark is passionate about helping teachers create classrooms where students want to learn and can become the agents of their own thinking and understanding. She’s is a National Board Certified Teacher , MIEE and Google Certified Innovator . ONSITE ATTENDEE CONTENTAI's Impact on Dyslexia: A Student's Message to Teachers Amazing Lesson Ideas for Student AI Collaboration Are You Ready for It? Teaching With Taylor Swift Lyrics Best Practices for an AI Infused Classroom Is AI the Future of Education or its Downfall? Let’s Chat About That! Amazing Ways to Use Chatbots in Education The Ultimate AI Learning ToolboxVIRTUAL ATTENDEE CONTENTBest Practices for an AI Infused Classroom The Ultimate AI Learning Toolbox |