Presenter Details

Donnie Piercey, Ashland Elementary School
mrpiercey mr.piercey ISTE affiliate: KySTE Donnie Piercey is the 2021 Kentucky Teacher of the Year, and he specializes in using technology to promote student inquiry and engagement. This past year, Donnie published the top selling "50 Strategies for Integrating AI in to the Classroom" published through Teacher Created Materials. Over the past eighteen years of teaching, these interests have given him the chance to represent his class all around the world, including a National Geographic fellowship to Antarctica in 2018. Donnie is also the host of Teachers Passing Notes, Gen-Z Media’s podcast created for educators. ONSITE ATTENDEE CONTENTAI in Education: Community-Powered Digital Citizenship Beyond Pressing Play: Podcasts in the Classroom The Generative Age: An AI Symposium You Can Call Me AI: Unpacking the Robot in your ClassroomVIRTUAL ATTENDEE CONTENTAI in Education: Community-Powered Digital Citizenship Beyond Pressing Play: Podcasts in the Classroom The Generative Age: An AI Symposium You Can Call Me AI: Unpacking the Robot in your Classroom |