Putting the 'E' in integrative STEM instruction
Session description
Purpose & objective
PURPOSE The purpose of this session is to guide participants in efforts to integrate engineering into their STEM and multidisciplinary instruction.
> Participants will understand the role and importance of teaching engineering in elementary grades.
> Participants will convert a traditional classroom activity into an engineering task.
> Participants will learn the benefits of integrative STEM and engineering in K-5 classrooms.
> Participants will experience hands-on integrative STEM highlighting the inclusion of engineering.
> Participants will explore the parallels between the engineering design process, ISTE standards, and NGSS.
1. Ice breaker - 5 minutes
Online survey on Slido.com
Collect information regarding participants’ positions and years of experience
2. Introduction - 5 minutes
Agenda & Objectives
Presenter introduction
Defining engineering
3. Understanding engineering in elementary education - 10 minutes
Importance of engineering in elementary classrooms
Role of engineering in building critical thinking and problem-solving skills
Comparing scientific process and engineering design process
4. Benefits of integrating engineering into instruction - 5 minutes
Engage and motivate all students
Develop 21st century skills
Real world application of knowledge
Career exploration
5. Key components of engineering in elementary classrooms - 10 minutes
Hands-on activities
Multidisciplinary (STEM)
Inquiry-based learning
6. Sample engineering activities - 15 minutes
Model of incorporating engineering into existing curriculum
Demonstrate hands-on experience for participants
Assessing student progress and understanding
7. Q&A and discussion - 5 minutes
Address participants questions
Share online resources
8. Evaluation and Closing - 5 minutes
Provide link for online feedback
Participant reflection: What is one thing you can do to integrate engineering into your instruction
Share my contact information
Supporting research
Cunningham, Christine M. Engineering in Elementary Stem Education: Curriculum Design, Instruction, Learning, and Assessment. Teachers College Press, 2017.
Daugherty, Michael K., Vinson Carter, and Lindsey Swagerty. “Elementary STEM Education: The Future for Technology and Engineering Education?” Journal of STEM Teacher Education 49, no. 1 (2014).
National Research Council, National Academy of Engineering, and Committee on K.-12 Engineering Education. Engineering in K-12 Education: Understanding the Status and Improving the Prospects. Edited by Linda Katehi, Greg Pearson, and Michael Feder. National Academies Press, 2009.
Nesmith, Suzanne M., and Sandi Cooper. “Engineering Process as a Focus: STEM Professional Development with Elementary STEM‐focused Professional Development Schools.” School Science & Mathematics 119, no. 8 (December 2019): 487–98.
Session specifications
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
- Stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from the learning sciences.
- Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.
Innovative Designer
- Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
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