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See with your hands, hear with your mind; understanding Palenque through technology.

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 6

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I’ve been teaching since 1995. During the last years I have been interested in developing high order thinking skills in my students through a variety of activities in classes that involve different subjects. Inclusion is part of our day a day. Mexican history has been a motor for many of my students to be more attentive to their lives. Cooperative working is part of our class, sharing and taking care of the others is taking place in each of my students life. Each day I convince myself how important education is.

Session description

The problem faced by blind students is presented to adolescents of the same age. They will need to tackle the challenge of creating together a final product. With it, they will teach the structure and history of the Palenque pyramid and the tomb of Pakal, to other impaired students.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this presentation is to showcase an innovative educational project that combines technology, design, cultural understanding, and accessibility to enhance student learning. Through this presentation, participants will gain insights into how technology can be harnessed to create meaningful, inclusive learning experiences. The project, centered around the design and creation of the tomb of Pakal in Palenque using 3D printing technology and audio recordings, serves as a compelling case study illustrating the potential for technology to foster creativity, empathy, and accessibility in education.

-Participants will gain an understanding of the historical and cultural significance of the tomb of Pakal in Palenque.
-Participants will learn about the practical applications of 3D printing technology in education, including its potential to create tactile representations of complex objects.
-Participants will discover how pedagogical approaches can be enhanced by integrating technology to promote student engagement and creativity.
-Participants will explore strategies for designing learner-driven, technology-enhanced activities that accommodate learner variability.
-Participants will gain hands-on experience with 3D modeling software and 3D printing technology, -with the opportunity to create a simple 3D model.
-Participants will explore strategies for fostering a classroom environment that values diversity and promotes empathy among students.

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In a dynamic 30-minute presentation at ISTE, we will delve into the innovative project, "title”. The journey will begin with a warm welcome and a brief introduction to the stand's mission: showcasing cutting-edge educational practices. We will invite attendees to actively engage and explore the project, setting the stage for a transformative experience.
As they move through the exhibit, participants encounter four captivating stations; At the first, they marvel at a tangible 3D-printed model of Pakal's tomb while listening to audio explanations created specifically for blind teenagers, immersing themselves in the power of technology to bridge accessibility gaps; The second station offers hands-on learning, with tablets and laptops armed with 3D modeling software, enabling participants to embark on a guided journey into technology-enhanced design; Next, at the inclusivity station, blindfolds simulate visual impairment as participants experience the importance of audio description; Lastly, they gather for a brief yet enriching peer-to-peer discussion, reflecting on technology's role in fostering inclusivity.
In just some minutes, participants leave with a profound understanding of technology's potential to transform education, promoting inclusivity, empathy, and innovative pedagogy.

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Supporting research

"The Impact of Technology on Special Education" - This article discusses the positive impact of technology on special education and the accessibility it provides to students with disabilities.

"Empathy in the Age of Technology: A Framework for Building Compassion at Scale" - This article highlights the importance of fostering empathy through technology, which is a key aspect of inclusive education.

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Session specifications

Project-, problem- & challenge-based learning
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
Subject area:
Social studies, Special education
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Equity and Citizenship Advocate
  • Ensure all students have access to the technology and connectivity necessary to participate in authentic and engaging learning opportunities.
For Educators:
  • Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.
Related exhibitors:
Elice Inc.