It’s My PD, I Can Party If I Want To
Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom 2A

Session description
Purpose & objective
The purpose of this interactive session is to share best practices and effective strategies for maximum engagement during Professional Development. These strategies transform traditional professional development sessions into engaging and exciting, educational experiences for adult learners, both certified and non-certified staff members. Participants will learn how to organize, facilitate and structure PD based on the needs of the intended audience. Attendees will also earn how to create engaging professional development and acquire useful tools to appropriately plan captivating sessions.
Objectives -
*Attendees will learn to structure PD by understanding the needs of the intended audience.
*Attendees will learn how to use a variety of edtech tools to keep participants engaged while teaching them how to use those same tools in their classrooms.
*Attendees will learn how to promote teamwork and collaboration during PD with engaging activities.
*Attendees will learn ways to connect with PD participants and form relationships while creating a safe learning space.
*Attendees will learn how to use PD participant feedback and self-reflection to improve future PD.
*Attendees will learn how to create a learning environment that motivates and engages their participants during PD sessions.
Evidence of success is highlighted below:
Photo Circle
Teacher Success Stories/Testimonials:
Ed Tech Resources Website:
School District 189 Teacher Institute 2023:
Clear Touch Nuiteq Snowflake Training at ISTE 2023 Tech Feast 2023:
Slideshow from 1st Annual Teacher Tech Feast:
East St. Louis School District Facebook page
PD 2022:
East St. Louis School District Facebook page
PD 2023:
Podcast & Screencastify PD:
Technology Award:
Illinois State Board of Education Those Who Excel Award of Excellence 2022 (Team Award)
It’s My PD, I Can Party If I Want To - Outline
I. As part of our Neon Glow theme, we will be distributing glow sticks to all participants to help set the tone for an engaging and fun session. (5 minutes)
II. Introduce our team and give everyone the opportunity to share where they are joining us from along with a survey to find out what their thoughts are about past PD that they have attended. (20 minutes)
A. We have prepared a two-slide Jamboard presentation.
- The first slide called "Rep Your State" will allow attendees to place a pin on a map.
- We will shout out various locations around the country for attendees to celebrate and make their voices heard.
- On the second slide, called "Sunshine & Shadows", attendees will be able to share their positive and not-so-great professional development experiences.
- We will share a few of these experiences before moving on to the purpose of our training.
III. Our objective is to facilitate engaging professional development that teachers actually look forward to. (20 minutes)
A. To achieve this, we will share some of the reasons why we are so mindful and purposeful in providing PD that is both informative and enjoyable.
B. We will also discuss how we customize our PDs.
C. To make it more interesting, we will share some examples of engaging activities that we have used in past trainings.
D. We will also provide participants with a step-by-step guidebook that we created called "Facilitating Fun & Engaging PD".
IV. Closing Activities (15 minutes)
A. Q & A session
B. Prize Giveaways
C. Have attendees take photos and upload them to the Photocircle app on
the way out.
Supporting research
Ways to create fun interactive professional development for teachers:
10 Tips for Delivering Awesome Professional Development:
Session specifications
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Change Agent
- Create a shared vision and culture for using technology to learn and accelerate transformation through the coaching process.
- Facilitate equitable use of digital learning tools and content that meet the needs of each learner.
- Explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning environments that engage and support learning.
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