In a world of polarised and increasingly vitriolic debate schools have a vital roll to teach the values of democratic disagreement while delivering other curriculum content. Participants will learn the ideas behind using Google forms, sheets and docs to create a discursive environment. Many schools also face budget cuts and/or rising costs that make it difficult to access paid or resources. This lesson model uses only free resources!
Students are presented with one or two thought provoking resources, either written, video or in this case audio. The resources demonstrated are easy to access on any device or platform. While listening to the source the students are guided through understanding and reflection by a Google form. This data is used for assessment and adaption to group and individual needs.
This is then followed by a moderated discussion in Google docs and finally in spoken form. Students are assigned rolls of for, against or summary.
Evidence of success for this method comes partly from student evaluation and partly from work on a lesson study done at Kunskapsgymnasiet in Malmö.
A summary of how the process works is presented and resources are made avaliable as digital links.
It is possible to download a complete sample lesson that can be implemented in it current form or it can be adapted to the needs of the paticular group.
Participants will be able to ask questions about the technique and the way this lesson was developed. A lesson study is a japanese model that has been adapted to the Swedish situation and used as a way to imporove content delivery in a form focused on student needs and teachers limited time.
Chambers S. 2023. Deliberative democracy and the digital public sphere: Asymmetrical fragmentation as a political not a technological problem. constellations 30 (1) 61-68.
Munthe E., Helgevold N. & Bjuland R. 2016. Lesson study : kollegial professionsutveckling. Natur och Kultur: Stockholm.