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Thoughtful Tech to Enhance Equity

Colorado Convention Center, 603

Participate and share: Interactive session
Recorded Session
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STEM Teacher
Auburn School/Logan Cnty. Public Schools
Turner, a Western Kentucky University graduate in Elementary Education, began her teaching career at Auburn School in Logan County, instructing various grades over 13 years. Recently, she's thrived as a STEM teacher, sharing her passion for educational technology and innovation with her K-8 students. Molly has enhanced her skills by earning an Instructional Technology certificate and becoming an ISTE Certified Educator. Representing her school on the Logan County Innovators team, she was also selected for the first Kentucky Innovative Teacher Cohort and was a finalist for WKU’s Distinguished Educator-Innovator award. Currently, she's pursuing a Master's in Educational Leadership.

Session description

In this session, have the opportunity to try out two tech tools that help enhance awareness of implicit biases and educational inequities. Be guided through several reflective exercises to evaluate the effects of implicit bias in schools and the rules, procedures, and decisions for equity.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this session is to bring awareness of implicit bias and how it affects student learning in the classroom. Participants will be able to:
Explain how your implicit biases might affect you as an educator/leader and identify strategies for addressing them.
Address inequitable practices and provide strategies for promoting responsive practices.
Gain activities and technology tools to immediately implement implicit bias training.
We will focus on two technology tools including the IAT from Project Implicit and Equity Maps that help educators enhance equity.
All the activities completed during the session can easily be replicated so participants can implement the same session after attending the conference.
Participants will have full access to the presentation via Google Slides.

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1. Spectrum Activity- hopefully, have 10-20 volunteers come to the front of the room to form a line. The presenter says a statement and the volunteers move to one end or the other of the line depending on whether they agree or disagree. The presenter will have a couple of volunteers share the reasoning for each statement. (10 mins.)
2. Reflect on the quote: "We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are."-Anais Nin (5 mins.) (peer-to-peer share)
3. Father-Son Activity/ Riddle (Pendry, Driscoll, Field 2007) (5 mins.)
4. Definition and understanding of Implicit Bias (5 mins.)
5. Circle of Trust Activity (5 mins.)- Participants write down the name of the names of 6-10 people they trust the most, not family. The presenter will read a statement about those people. If it applies to someone written down, then the participants will add a mark by that person's name. Follow with reflection questions. (peer-to-peer share for reflection)
6. More information on implicit biases and discuss common biases such as the halo effect, conformity bias, anchor bias, name bias, affinity bias, and more. (5 mins.)
7. Project Implicit Test (10 minutes)- participants will access the website to take an IAT (implicit association test) and reflect on their results.
8. Explain the Equity Maps app for iPads. This app allows teachers to visually record and map out all of the dialogue happening in their classroom. Instantly see who is doing all the talking! Implications- is the teacher calling on more boys than girls? More white students than students of color? Are there students not talking at all? Find out with this app! (10 mins.)
9. Share three strategies I use to help address implicit biases (5 minutes)
10. Questions from the audience (5 mins.)

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Supporting research

Tech Tools:

Activity Resources:

Other Research:
Dr. Bruce Perry
Perry, B. D. 1., & Winfrey, O. (2021). What happened to you?: conversations on trauma, resilience, and healing. First edition. New York, Flatiron Books.

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Session specifications

Equity and inclusion
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: iOS
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Equity Maps is an app for iPads only:
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Connected Learner
  • Use technology to regularly engage in reflective practices that support personal and professional growth.
For Educators:
  • Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.