With the influx of questions and curiosity around how Artificial Intelligence (AI) will continue to impact all aspects of Education, we are in dire need of a reimagining of assessment practices to provide our students with a more authentic approach to their learning process and progress. As students progress through their K-12 experience, the stress and intensity of grading practices become more and more impactful on student and teacher mental health, ultimately preventing the students from reaching their full potential while leaving teachers frustrated. Whether it be the sheer quantity of assignments, the imbalance of weighted grading systems, or the inconsistency of targeted feedback to students...our current assessment & grading practices are broken. In addition, with advances in technology and the emergence of AI tools like Chat GPT & others, teachers, schools, and districts have more opportunities to use more effective assessment strategies & real-time data than ever before to drive learning & instruction. Not to mention how AI will force us to rethink how and what we assess, turning our attention away from fact regurgitation and toward more practical skills like collaboration and critical thinking. During this session, aimed at providing attendees with ideas of how they can reimagine their own assessment practices and those of their colleagues, we will discuss the impact of AI in Education, ways in which we can leverage AI to enhance learning & teaching, and just what authentic assessment looks like in this revolutionary time in our industry. Attendees will leave this session with a plan to start this conversation in their own school(s), as well as a network of peers to support them in their journey.
5 minutes Introduction & Quick Quiz
Brief pop quiz using PollEverywhere to learn about the audience and engage them in thinking about different types of questions and knowledge.
5 minutes The Future of Work & the World
Data presented on the future of work, what skills are necessary for success in the world, what we know about jobs that have yet to be created or imagined.
5 minutes 30,000 foot View of AI & Assessment
Brief discussion about the state of assessment in schools, what assessments we value, and how our assessment approach needs to evolve based on the future of work conversation above.
10 minutes The Collision of Assessment & AI
Data presented on what skills and processes AI can replace or reimagine, along with audience participation in surveys and discussion around the impact of AI, specifically in education.
10 minutes Leveraging the Power of AI for Data-Informed Instruction
Demonstration on how data from modern assessment strategies can be leveraged to better inform teachers on the progress of their students. Attendee discussion around how practices can be applied to their role, school, practice.
10 minutes Authentic Assessment
Addressing ideas about what modern assessment might look like from the presenters and the audience, to generate a plan for what we all can begin doing following this session.