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Hands-On Robotics: Bringing Simple Machines to Solve Real World Problems

Colorado Convention Center, Mile High Ballroom 4BCD

Explore and create: Exploratory Creation lab
Preregistration Required
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Founder and CEO
BirdBrain Technologies
Tom is the Founder and CEO at BirdBrain Technologies. He seeks to design educational tools that catalyze positive computer science and maker learning experiences in the classroom. Tom received a Ph.D. in robotics in 2010 from Carnegie Mellon University in part for his work designing the Finch Robot and Hummingbird Robotics Kit. Tom resides in Pittsburgh’s Squirrel Hill neighborhood with his wife, two kids, cat, and a small army of robots. He would be an invaluable ally in the event of a robot uprising.
Digital literacy and computer science teacher / head tech coordinator
Springfield Public School
Melissa Zeitz, PreK–8 Digital Literacy and Computer Science Teacher, has worked to support DLCS curricula in her school and across her district. Melissa is the technology and curriculum resource coordinator for the CSforALL Springfield NSF-funded grant which aims to write computer science curriculum to be integrated into the district’s academic curriculum. In these roles she has guided numerous teachers to different DLCS resources and curricula and advised the district in deciding what computer science resources may be beneficial for the elementary level. Melissa is the CSTA of Western Mass President and a MIEE Expert.

Session description

Get hands-on and learn how simple machines can be brought to life through robotics and applied in various academic subjects. Learn about engaging challenges that incorporate engineering and programming to promote student interest and enhance real-world readiness. Explore automation and how to create your own cardboard robots.

Purpose & objective

To provide educators with practical knowledge and skills to integrate robotics and simple machines into their curriculum, fostering student engagement and enhancing real-world readiness across various academic subjects.

The objective of the session is to provide educators with practical knowledge and skills to dive deeper into teaching simple machines by animating them with robotics. Educators will learn new strategies for teaching simple machines with students, and gain experience in real-world and project-based learning. Challenges from several academic disciplines will push educators to think outside of the box, and every attendee will leave with free resources and ideas to bring back to their classrooms.

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Time Frame Subject to Change

Introduction (2 minutes)
Welcome and brief overview of the workshop's goals and objectives.
Explanation of the importance of robotics and automation in education.

Understanding Simple Machines (3 minutes)
- Introduction to the concept of simple machines.
- Discussion on how simple machines are fundamental building blocks in engineering and robotics.
- Brief overview of the different types of simple machines (e.g., levers, pulleys, gears).

Robotics and Education (5 minutes)
- Benefits of incorporating robotics in the classroom, including promoting problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
- Examples of how robotics can be applied across various academic subjects.

Hands-On Activity: Building Cardboard Robots (30 minutes)
- Provide attendees with cardboard, Hummingbird Bits, and other basic materials.
- Step-by-step instructions for creating a simple cardboard robot that uses a Winch to create a robot.
Emphasis on encouraging creativity and problem-solving during the building process.
Engaging Challenges will be embedded into the hands on
- Introduction to a series of engaging challenges that attendees can use in their classrooms.
- Challenges designed to incorporate making, engineering, and programming concepts.
- Discussion on how these challenges promote student interest and real-world readiness.

Programming the Robots (10 minutes)
- Introduction to basic programming concepts using a simple, user-friendly platform called Makecode
- Hands-on demonstration of how to program an automated Winch

Q&A and Discussion (5 minutes)
- Gallery Walk to explore all of the different projects
Open the floor for questions, sharing of ideas, and discussion among attendees.
- Encourage attendees to share their thoughts on integrating robotics into their specific subjects.

Closing Remarks (3 minutes)
- Recap of key takeaways from the workshop.
- Provide resources and references for further learning and exploration.
- Thank attendees for their participation and enthusiasm.

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Supporting research

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Session specifications

Computer science & computational thinking
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Subject area:
Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
  • Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.
Related exhibitors:
BirdBrain Technologies