Our purpose is to give educators the knowledge, toolset, and confidence to anchor their resources digitally so they can design their lessons in a way that can be quickly and easily reshaped to meet the needs of diverse learners in today’s high-demand educational environment.
Educational Challenge:
Teachers have growing class sizes, a growning understanding of the diversity of their students and the need for equity and inclusion, higher demand schedules, along with more interruptions, drills, activities, trips, and last minute schedule changes. Having a traditional lesson becomes less and less feasible every day.
Learn how to build a digital library of resources and materials that you can use as an anchor point to quickly pivot pedagogy to meet the needs of the student, the class, or the day.
Be able to grow that library with created and curated content, built in small repeatable and reusable pieces so it’s easier to use with different pedagogies and tools, thus increasing agility.
Know how to focus assessment on depth of knowledge and the ability to communicate learning, with much less regard for when, where, or how, giving the learner more choice and voice in their learning process.
1. Intro and background (5 min)
2. Overview of Agile Lesson Design and its usefulness (10 minutes)
Understand the need to be able to redesign your lessons quickly and on short notice
3. The Digital Anchor and the Importance of Repeatable and Reusable Building Blocks. (10 minutes)
How to build your library of digital resources in small bites that can be repeated class to class or reused in different ways to meet diverse needs.
4. The importance of Connection through Creation (5 minutes)
The connection you build with your students is critical. Learn to leverage that with the content you create in an effective and efficient way.
5. The Value of Curation and Going Up, Down, and Deep (5 minutes)
No matter how you say it, sometimes they don’t get it. Hearing it in a different voice can help. Learn tools to build collections of outside resources for keeping your go-getter engaged (up), helping kids catch up (down), and growing depth of knowledge (deep).
6. The Need for Better Assessments (10 minutes)
Focusing assessment on depth of knowledge and the ability to communicate learning effectively gives you better data on how to refine and direct your classes moving forward.
7. Tips and Tools: Building your toolbox for Agility (10 minutes)
Discuss tech tools and techniques that work when you need to make quick changes.
8. Q&A / Wrap up (5 minutes)
Learning Influences and Effect Size: -John Hattie
Our work with the University of Notre Dame’s Higher-Powered Learning team:
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Rethink Education Website -
Blended Learning Universe -
Blended: Using Disruptive Innovation to Improve Schools - Micheal B. Horn and Heather Staker
Blended Learning in Action - Catlin R. Tucker, Tiffany Wycoff, Jason T. Green
Power Up Blended Learning - Catlin R. Tucker
Balance with Blended Learning - Catlin R. Tucker
Ditch that Textbook - Matt Miller