Purpose: When teachers Incorporate graphic novels into instruction, across the curriculum, it allows opportunities to enhance students' learning experiences and foster a love of reading, writing, and storytelling.
Graphic Novels increase student engagement, because the combination of text and visuals in graphic novels often engages students more effectively than traditional texts, making complex topics more accessible and enjoyable, especially to reluctant readers.
They also make space for diverse perspectives. Graphic novels often feature complex narratives and come in various genres, styles, and themes, both nonfiction and informational. This allows educators to introduce diverse voices, cultures, and experiences into the classroom, again, increasing student engagement.
1. (3 Min) Welcome and intro a READING Related icebreaker activity -
Briefly introduce this session's objectives.
2. (3 Min) Define graphic novels, their unique characteristics.
Introduce the physical books I’ve brought in, passing them around.
3. (5 Min) Think, Pair, Share: Agenda Item A: Ask the Learners/participants WHY we would use Graphic Novels across the curriculum with students? Generate discussion.
4. (5 Min) After discussion, highlight the further benefits of using graphic novels in education.
5. (5 Min) Agenda Item B: Discuss using Graphic Novels during cross-curricular instruction. Highlighting specific Literacy skills to be supported. Provide examples and practical strategies for various subjects.
6. Agenda Item C: Encouraging leisure reading with Graphic Novels.
Turn & Talk: We will discuss selecting appropriate graphic novels & share resources for finding suitable graphic novels.
7. Transition to the Maker Space portion when Learners will dive into the toolkit of resources & create their own. Participants will explore and create a panel using tools of their choice.
8. Agenda Item D: Creating simple & complex works with Graphic Novels
9. Agenda Item E: Intro and explore toolkit of resources
10. in Groups: “Comic Collaboration & Reflection” Learners will reflect & create an Action Plan of ways they can include Graphic Novels across the curriculum.
11. Door prizes, etc