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Growth NOT Gotcha: Supercharging Your Coaching Culture

Colorado Convention Center, 207

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Calcasieu Parish School Board
Shannon LaFargue has been in education as a teacher, coach, and administrator for 32 years. He received an Associate of Arts Degree from East Central Community College in Decatur, MS; his bachelor’s degree in Health and Human Performance, his master’s from McNeese State University, and his PhD in Education Administration from the University of New Orleans. He was named Chief Operating Officer of the Calcasieu Parish School System in 2015, then Chief Academic Officer in 2019. In May of 2022, Dr. LaFargue was elected Superintendent of Schools for Calcasieu Parish, beginning on July 1, 2022..
Office of Teacher & Leader Support
Julee Spann has been in education as a teacher, literacy coach, master teacher, and administrator for 25 years. She received a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education and master’s degree in Administration and Supervision from McNeese State University. Mrs. Spann is a National Blue Ribbon School Principal and successfully served as the first Turnaround Principal in Calcasieu Parish. In 2020, Mrs. Spann moved to district leadership as the Coordinator for the Office of Teacher & Leader Support. In her current role, she enjoys collaborating with all departments and supporting new teachers, mentors, and leaders in over 60 schools.

Session description

In this session, participants will learn how they can increase collective teacher efficacy and improve student outcomes by supercharging their culture of coaching. Participants will learn how to create a playbook for providing consistent coaching and feedback to educators aligned with their personalized goals and professional growth plans.

Purpose & objective

Participants will:
-Understand the importance of building a culture of coaching in a school/district and the impact on both teacher and student outcomes.
-Learn the three critical components that contribute to a successful coaching culture.
-Gain the practical knowledge and skills to develop a coaching systems playbook for your own schools and districts.
-Learn how to implement proven strategies that help strengthen the culture of coaching in your organization, leading to improved student achievement and teacher effectiveness.

Educational and infrastructure challenge/situation:
-Calcasieu Parish School Board sought a solution to address three main issues:
1. Teachers weren't consistently receiving timely feedback, coaching, and instructional support.
2.CPSB had no cohesive and reliable way of delivering high-quality feedback and personalized professional development to their teachers at scale.
3. Leaders and teachers alike had limited visibility into data and could not easily track progress towards their instructional goals.

Technology intervention:
-CPSB invested in strengthening their culture of coaching by implementing Bullseye's customizable instructional support system for easy, effective teacher support & coaching. CPSB & Bullseye partnered together to make coaching and personalized professional development available to all educators. The platform has allowed CPSB to operationalize their coaching and support efforts in a way that makes the work about Growth NOT Gotcha.

Models employed:
-Participants will learn about Collective Teacher Efficacy, how to increase it and what impact it can have on teacher and student outcomes.
-Participants will learn about forming a Design Team and how to use the diverse perspectives of Design Team members to get better at coaching and support over time.
-Participants will learn about Kotter's Change Leadership model and how to implement it within their organizations.

Evidence of success:
-This session will look at the results that CPSB has gotten since supercharging their culture of coaching, including improvements in student test scores, above national average teacher retention rates, and data around the consistency of teacher support and coaching:
-100% believe that the feedback teachers receive is… personalized & targeted to their specific needs AND helps to directly improve instructional practices.
-Averaging 90%+ Teacher Retention Rates across 2,500+ Teachers over the last 3 years (compared to an 84% national average).
-22,000+ walkthrough, coaching, and reflection sessions taken
-9/10 CPSB administrators say Bullseye saves them time, keeps them more organized, and helps drive instructional growth
-CPSB found a statistically significant correlation between Increased Bullseye Usage & Higher Student Standard Score Growth

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Culture of Coaching - 30 Minutes (Presented)
-Why Focus on a Culture of Coaching?
-Collective Teacher Efficacy is one of the top influencing factors on student outcomes
-Teachers who don't feel supported by admin are >2x likely to leave the classroom
-Building a culture of coaching improves team alignment, teacher success & retention, and student outcomes
-How to Build a Culture of Coaching
-Make goals shared and transparent, play to your team's strengths, focus on continuous improvement
-Steps for building a Culture of Coaching
-Outcomes of creating a Culture of Coaching
-Tips for Success

Activity - 25 Minutes (Audience Participation)
-Create your Instructional Support Vision and Playbook (device-based activity)
-Practice giving and receiving feedback (peer-to-peer interaction)

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Supporting research

Kotter Change Leadership:

John Hattie Collective Teacher Efficacy:

Strengths-Based Feedback:

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Session specifications

Coaching & mentoring
Grade level:
Skill level:
Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Coaches, Principals/head teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
  • Establish trusting and respectful coaching relationships that encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies.
For Education Leaders:
Empowering Leader
  • Inspire a culture of innovation and collaboration that allows the time and space to explore and experiment with digital tools.
For Educators:
  • Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.
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