Getting students career aware and on the right career path with the right education and skills is not working well. "If I only knew then what I know now." How many times has that been said about career choices?
Meet G.A.I.L, an AI coach from UpBrainery Technologies, and learn how to employ the power of AI to help each student create personalized career education pathways. Walk with ed-tech developers as you leverage powerful design tools to personalize learning and directly support variable learner needs in your classrooms.
Attendees will understand learner variability and freely available tools that help us craft effective learning activities to meet the needs of diverse learners with unique combinations of strengths and challenges.
Attendees will develop their own learner population profiles and apply a product review tool to assess the effectiveness of EdTech solutions for their defined student population. Attendees will vet digital products for the specific needs of students in their classrooms.
Using a model for leveraging the power of AI to increase access to infinite combinations of personalized, career-readiness perspectives, skills and understandings, attendees will consider learner variability as they plan to incorporate learnings from ISTE24 into their classroom.
3 minutes - Opening activity and introduction of the challenges of defining career pathway learning for today's students.
10 minutes - Meet G.AI.L., an AI coach from UpBrainery, and the very human design team collaborating to leverage AI for K-12 career exploration and education. This will be an interaction with virtual career coaches.
15 minutes - Explore learner variability. Attendees will define a profile for learners in their classrooms.
10 minutes - Review an EdTech tool through the lens of the defined learner profile. Attendees will work individually or in pairs to evaluate an EdTech tool for attention to the defined variable needs of learners in the profile.
5 minutes - Share out of features that meet needs, and areas for improvement
10 minutes - Brainstorm (individually or return to pairs) to develop instructional strategies to support or facilitate use of the EdTech tool and/or identify improvements to better address variable learner needs.
7 minutes - Wrap-up and share resources and opportunities to continue the discussion.
This project employs strategies developed using tools from the Digital Promise Learner Variability Project.