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Our Future as Influencers Kids Changing the World through Kindness and Diversity

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 16

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Cumbres International School México
She completed her education at prestigious institutions, including a degree in International Relations and another in Education Sciences. Mariana's dedication to continuous improvement is evident in her numerous certifications and international training, including a Business Certificate from Kaplan College in the UK. With over a decade of teaching experience, Mariana has served as a coordinator and classroom instructor at various institutions, fostering social learning environments. She currently excels as a fourth-grade English teacher, prioritizing collaborative and social learning experiences for her students.

Session description

Empower future leaders with diversity and inclusion through video media, PBL, Student Learning Centers, and Edpuzzle. Help students create impactful projects for a more inclusive world.

Purpose & objective

Lesson plans or instructional activities/strategies employed in this presentation include:
- Interactive Presentations: Participants will engage in interactive presentations that involve discussions, group activities, and multimedia elements. These presentations aim to create an engaging learning environment.
- Real-World Examples: Real-world examples will be shared to illustrate the impact of promoting diversity, inclusion, kindness, and positive community impact. These examples provide practical insights into how participants can incorporate these values into their teaching approaches.
- Instructional Electronic Resources: Various instructional electronic resources will be introduced during the presentation. These resources include online platforms for video creation/editing (e.g., Adobe Spark Video), project management tools (e.g., Trello), collaboration tools (e.g., Google Docs), and Edpuzzle for interactive video lessons.

Evidence of success for this presentation can be measured through participant feedback, post-presentation surveys or assessments, and observations of participants implementing the strategies learned during the session. Success can be demonstrated by participants' ability to effectively incorporate video media, PBL, student-centered learning, and Edpuzzle into their teaching approaches. Additionally, success can be evaluated based on participants' ability to create a classroom environment that promotes kindness, embraces diversity, encourages student leadership, fosters critical thinking skills, and addresses important social issues.

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- Introduction (2 minutes): The session will begin with an introduction to the importance of diversity, inclusion, and positive community impact. Real-world examples will be shared to illustrate the impact of promoting kindness and embracing diversity.
- Role of Influencers (3 minutes): Participants will learn about the role of influencers in shaping society and how they can become influencers within their educational communities. The focus will be on promoting diversity, inclusion, kindness, and positive community impact.
- Video Media in Education (5 minutes): This segment will explore the benefits of incorporating video media into teaching approaches. Participants will learn how to create engaging videos that enhance student learning experiences.
- Project-Based Learning (PBL) (2 minutes): Participants will be introduced to the concept of PBL and its benefits. They will learn how to design and implement PBL projects that address authentic challenges and promote critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity.
- Student-Centered Learning (2 minutes): This section will focus on student-centered learning approaches that empower students to take ownership of their learning process. Participants will learn strategies for fostering student autonomy, active participation, and personalized learning experiences.
- Edpuzzle for Interactive Video Lessons (5 minutes): Participants will discover Edpuzzle as a tool for creating interactive video lessons. They will learn how to engage students through interactive video content and assess their understanding.
- Wrap-up and Q&A (3 minutes): The session will conclude with a wrap-up of key takeaways and an opportunity for participants to ask questions.

To engage the audience effectively, the following tactics will be employed:
- Interactive Presentations: The session will include interactive presentations that involve discussions, group activities, and multimedia elements. These presentations aim to create an engaging learning environment where participants can actively participate.
- Real-World Examples: Real-world examples will be shared throughout the presentation to illustrate the impact of promoting diversity, inclusion, kindness, and positive community impact. These examples provide practical insights into how participants can incorporate these values into their teaching approaches.
- Peer-to-Peer Interaction: Participants will have opportunities for peer-to-peer interaction through group activities and discussions. This fosters collaboration, sharing of ideas, and learning from one another's experiences.
- Device-Based Activities: Device-based activities may be incorporated to demonstrate the use of technology tools such as Edpuzzle or other instructional electronic resources. Participants can follow along on their devices to gain hands-on experience.
- Games or Contests: Depending on the time available and audience preferences, games or contests related to the presentation content may be included to make the session more interactive and enjoyable.

The success of this presentation can be measured through participant feedback, post-presentation surveys or assessments, and observations of participants implementing the strategies learned during the session. Success can be evaluated based on participants' ability to effectively incorporate video media, PBL, student-centered learning, and Edpuzzle into their teaching approaches. Additionally, success can be demonstrated by participants' ability to create a classroom environment that promotes kindness, embraces diversity, encourages student leadership, fosters critical thinking skills, and addresses important social issues.

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Supporting research

Bell, K. (Host). (2019, June 4). Project Based Learning Tips from Vicki Davis [Audio Podcast]. Shake Up Learning. tips-from-vicki-davis

Krueger, N. (2020 , May 19). The case for project-based learning. ISTE.

Liu, M. & Hsiao, Y.P. (2002). Middle School Students as Multimedia Designers: A Project-Based

Learning Approach. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 13(4), 311-337.

PBL Research Summary: Studies Validate Project-Based Learning. Edutopia. Retrieved September 30, 2021 from -project-based-learning

Prince, M. J., & Felder, R. M. (2006). Inductive teaching and learning methods: Definitions,

comparisons, and research bases. Journal of Engineering Education, 95(2), 123–138.

Shin, M. H. (2018). Effects of project-based learning on students’ motivation and self-efficacy.

English Teaching, 73(1), 95–114.

Stolk, J., & Harari, J. (2014). Student motivations as predictors of high-level cognitions in

project-based classrooms. Active Learning in Higher Education, 15(3), 231–247.

Vega, V. (2015). Project-Based Learning Research Review.

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Session specifications

Equity and inclusion
Grade level:
Skill level:
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: iOS
Laptop: Mac
Tablet: iOS
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Subject area:
Social studies, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
Creative Communicator
  • Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.