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Re-shaping the Landscape of Digital Teaching and Learning

Colorado Convention Center, 403/4

Participate and share: Interactive session
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Educational Technology Specialist
Utah State Board of Education
Rick Gaisford has 37 years in education and has been involved with educational technology for over 30 years at the classroom, school, district and state levels. He has been an elementary school teacher, school technology specialist, district technology specialist and trainer, state Internet specialist and state education technology specialist. He helps oversee Utah’s Digital Teaching and Learning program implemented by the Utah State Legislature in 2016. This legislation has provided over $160 million to implement a comprehensive program to effectively bring technology into all classrooms in the state and to assist in personalizing education for each student.
Darren Hudgins, founder of Think | Do | Thrive, LLC, is a seasoned education expert who is passionate about creating learning experiences that promote critical thinking, active learning, and overall improvement. With over 20 years of experience in education, edtech, and coaching, Darren has co-authored two best-selling books on media and information literacy, namely Fact VS Fiction: Teaching Critical Thinking In The Age of Fake News (ISTE 2018) and Developing Digital Detectives: Essential Lessons for Discerning Fact from Fiction in the 'Fake News' Era (ISTE 2021). To learn more about navigating this complex world, please visit
Director of Learning Partnerships
Leading EDge Learning
Nancy Mangum, an accomplished national presenter, author, and co-founder of Leading EDge Learning, is dedicated to empowering educators and creating inclusive learning experiences. Previously, as the Associate Director of Professional Learning at The Friday Institute for Educational Innovation at NC State University, she developed comprehensive programs for educational leaders. Nancy is also a co-author of 'Leadership in Personalized and Digital Learning: A Framework for Change,' published by Harvard Educational Press. Her expertise spans curriculum, pedagogy, instructional technology, and leadership. Nancy is committed to inspiring educators and fostering communities of practice to meet the diverse needs of all learners.
Utah Coalition For Educational Technology
Matthew Winters is a Utah Education Network trainer specializing in Google Workspaces for Edu. He is also GEGUtah co-leader and Utah Coalition for Educational Technology (UCET) President for 2022-2024, our Utah ISTE affiliate. He is a former English Language Arts teacher at the secondary and college level.

Session description

Join our session exploring Utah's transformative approach to professional learning supporting Digital Teaching and Learning at scale. Learn from passionate facilitators, gain insights into their experiences, and take home practical strategies and resources for inclusive professional development aligned with evolving student needs in your school, district, or state.

Purpose & objective

Participants will…
- Gain a deep understanding of Utah's successful approach to Digital Teaching and Learning professional development.
- Learn from the real-world experiences of educators and administrators who have participated in professional learning.
- Acquire practical resources and strategies to implement personalized digital learning initiatives.
- Foster meaningful connections with like-minded professionals in the field.

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60 mins
Intro (5 min) - introduce Slido for Q&A
Present Direct Instruction (20 min):
- Summary of approach to scaling PD to reach diverse roles and contexts statewide in Utah effectively
Interactive Q&A - (10min)
Exploration of PD Resources (10 mins)
4 Corners (10 mins)
- Small group discussion with State leaders, Designers, and participants with Matt, Rick, UTTLN Participant & LS Participant
Wrap up (5 mins)

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Supporting research

Darling-Hammond, L., Hyler, M. E., Gardner, M. (2017). Effective Teacher Professional Development. Palo Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute.
Hilliard, P. & Mangum, N., 2021, Designing Effective Professional Learning, Retrieved from, 12 Apr 2023
Knowles, M. S. (1970). The Modern Practice of Adult Education; Andragogy versus Pedagogy.
Learning Forward Standards for Professional Learning, Learning Forward, retrieved from 12 Apr 2023
Ofstedal, Kathleen & Dahlberg, Kathryn. (2009). Collaboration in Student Teaching: Introducing the Collaboration Self-Assessment Tool. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education. 30. 37-48. 10.1080/10901020802668043. Retrieved from 02 May 2023
Sterman, C., 2019. The Purpose and Impact of Collaborative Work. NAESP., Principal Supplement: Champion Creatively Alive Children. Available at
Training & Technical Assistance Center, 2003., Designing Effective Professional Development Considerations Packet, William & Mary, retrieved from 12 Apr 2023
UNESCO. 2020. Embracing a culture of lifelong learning: contribution to the Futures of Education initiative; report; a transdisciplinary expert consultation.UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning., Available at

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Session specifications

Skill level:
Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Coaches, Principals/head teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Visionary Planner
  • Engage education stakeholders in developing and adopting a shared vision for using technology to improve student success, informed by the learning sciences.
  • Share lessons learned, best practices, challenges and the impact of learning with technology with other education leaders who want to learn from this work.
Empowering Leader
  • Build the confidence and competency of educators to put the ISTE Standards for Students and Educators into practice.