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Digital Citizenship IS Preparation for Generative Artificial Intelligence

Colorado Convention Center, 505/6/7

Participate and share: Interactive session
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Education Coach
Samsung Education | Equity In Action, CA
Leticia Citizen is a Samsung Education Coach passionate about technology-enhanced teaching, primary sources, and global connections to help augment student learning. Her 23 educator years of experience include teaching kindergarten, first, and fifth grade. Leticia dedicates her life to social justice, teaching through a JEDIB lens, providing intentional PD, and mentoring teachers to share their voices. She is co-founder of Equity In Action, CA and Tech.Teach.Grow, LLC. Leticia currently serves as an ambassador for varying digital tools including Nearpod, Wakelet, and Common Sense Education. She’s Google Certified and shares her expertise at national and global conferences.
Common Sense Education
Sue Thotz is the Senior Program Manager for Common Sense Education and co-founder of Equity in Action CA. In 2011, Sue began working for Common Sense by providing support and training for educators and administrators on issues of digital culture and technology implementation. As a co-founder of Equity in Action CA, she has facilitated conferences that recognize the importance of culture and identity and strive to amplify marginalized voices in the education technology space. Prior to Common Sense, Sue was a researcher and educator. Sue holds a master's degree in public health and an undergraduate degree in zoology and chemistry.

Session description

Prepare students for the amplified ethical dilemmas that generative artificial intelligence has brought by teaching foundational digital citizenship skills. Receive free, high-quality lessons that explain not only how AI tools work, but also support students in their understanding of their impact on values, society, and well-being.

Purpose & objective

Purpose: Provide educators with resources including lessons, and best practices that can be used to provide foundational skills and dispositions needed to address the ethical dilemmas amplified by the proliferation of generative AI tools.
Participants will learn about recent research findings on the impacts of AI on students and families as well as recent research about the impact on mental health of constant smartphone use on teens.
Participants will learn how to facilitate activities that are designed to explore the impact of AI and technology on their values, society, and well-being.
Participants will identify the connection between digital citizenship principals and emerging generative AI ethical dilemmas..
Participants will demonstrate how to find digital citizenship lessons that is inclusive of new AI tools and ethical dilemmas.

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1. Introduction (15 minutes)
-operational definitions of generative AI, digital citizenship, skills and dispositions
-research review: recent findings on AI use among students, habits of teen cell phone use, and teens desire for digital balance.
- Participants will engage in a brief open ended Menti sharing their concerns and benefits of generative AI.

2. Pair digital citizenship topics to generative AI ethical dilemmas (15 minutes)
- How do altered images and deepfakes impact media literacy skills and cyberbullying?
- How does generative chat and images impact the ethics of creators and biased/quality of information generated?
- How do human-like chatbots impact our online communication, relationship skills and media balance?
For each of the above, participants will be asked to work groups of 2-3 to discuss the connection between the AI tools and the digital citizenship topic. Participants will share their findings via physical post-its on the walls. Facilitators will record and share the post-its after the session on the session Wakelet.

4.For each of the above topics, presenters will provide a set of resources that provide foundational digital citizenship lessons as well as new AI focused lessons. We’ll demonstrate a “where do you stand” digital dilemma activity designed to show various perspectives and contexts. (15 minutes)
- A scenario is posted and participants place themselves in the room based on whether they agree or disagree with the statement.
-Participants are invited to share their reasoning and consider the perspectives and opinions of others.
- Participants are asked to reconsider their position based on what they heard and new contextual information.

6. Conclusion and Q&A (5 minutes)
-all participants will walk away with a session Wakelet that includes all lessons and session materials.

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Supporting research

Parents and students are optimistic about AI, but parents have a lot to learn to catch up to their kids – and want rules and ratings to help them.

Constant Companion: A Week in the Life of a Young Person’s Smartphone Use (Radesky 2023)

Teaching Digital Citizens in Today’s World (Weinstein et al, 2021)

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Session specifications

Digital citizenship
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Digital Citizen
  • Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
  • Students demonstrate an understanding of and respect for the rights and obligations of using and sharing intellectual property.
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students evaluate the accuracy, perspective, credibility and relevance of information, media, data or other resources.