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Researching AI: A community discussion and networking event

Colorado Convention Center, 108/10/12

Roundtable presentation
Listen and learn: Research paper
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Arkansas Tech University
Dr. Cullen is Director of the Center for Faculty Life at Arkansas Tech University where she leads professional development efforts for Learning Innovation Faculty Engagement. She is the director of Arkansas Tech's Online Teaching Academy where our state supports us to teach a new generation of teachers how to teach remotely. She has taught a variety of courses about integrating technology in meaningful ways to enhance education and student success and is a regular national speaker and has been recognized as an Apple Distinguished Educator since 2015. She has several certifications including Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, SCRUM Master, and Adobe Captivate Specialist.

Session description

AI is the new hot topic for research, however, our innovations are happening quicker than we can publish. This session invites anyone doing research on AI in education or planning to do so to gather together, trade ideas, form connections and learn from each other.


The nature of science as a collaborative effort with multiple perspectives.

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They will be varied based on who attends. Many invites will be sent out to have a collaborative conversation.

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I expect 5 to 10 research teams to attend and discuss their current projects.

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We can only advance research through collaboration and growing our field. that happens with facilitated conversation. ISTE is a perfect place to have this discussion both with experienced researchers but also graduate students.

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All AI proposals will be invited to be part of this session as well.

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Session specifications

Artificial Intelligence
Grade level:
Community college/university
Teacher education/higher ed faculty
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
Subject area:
Computer science, Higher education
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Visionary Planner
  • Communicate effectively with stakeholders to gather input on the plan, celebrate successes and engage in a continuous improvement cycle.
For Educators:
  • Use technology to design and implement a variety of formative and summative assessments that accommodate learner needs, provide timely feedback to students and inform instruction.