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Powered-Up Passion Projects -- Empowering GT Student Exploration

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 30

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Secondary Instructional Coordinator
Anna ISD
Cindy Lewis M.Ed. is an educator and presenter who is passionate about finding ways to help students shine. She loves learning, connecting with others, and serving. She is currently serving as a Secondary Social Studies & World Languages Instructional Coordinator. She has had the blessing of teaching various grades Pre-K through 12 and has learned there are two principles that help teachers at any level: students want to be heard and students want to be loved. Recently, a part of her career focus has been on English language learners, gifted and talented students, AI, and instructional technology.

Session description

Prepare your students for a future of possibilities. Learn how gifted and talented students were empowered through an innovative course that focuses on developing a professional quality passion project using design thinking and student choice. Join us to learn how this unique approach fosters self-discovery and real-world skills.

Purpose & objective

This presentation aims to introduce an innovative course that allows students to explore and prepare for their chosen career field with the guidance of mentors from those chosen professions resulting in the creation of professional-quality products designed to address a need. Participants will receive details in the organization of the course as well as learn of student examples. Challenges will be shared as well as descriptions of how they were overcome and what goals are set for future growth and improvement. Participants will receive guidance on how to create their own experiences tailored to their campus needs and structure. The models and programs highlighted are design thinking, Gantt charts, student choice, project-based learning, and the Sustained Development Goals. The technology tools used by students will also be described and the students final products will be spotlighted.

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This sessions will focus on the following key areas:

Course Overview: An introduction to the innovative class structure emphasizing student autonomy in selecting a desired career field and research.

Interviews and Mentorship Model: How the mentorship component of the class connects students with professionals in their chosen fields. Thus promoting networking, skill development, and career insights.

Project Development: Examples of professional-level projects undertaken by students, showcasing their growth, creativity, and the application of knowledge acquired during the course.

Self-Discovery: Discussion on how students' engagement in this class fosters self-awareness, decision-making, goal-setting, and a clearer vision of their future career paths.

Assessment and Evaluation: Methods employed to assess and reflect on the students' progress, project quality, and the mentor-student relationships.

Student Outcomes: Highlights of success stories and testimonials from students who have completed the course and gone on to pursue successful careers in their chosen fields.

Audience Engagement:
Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in peer-to-peer discussions, ask questions, and share their thoughts. Handouts summarizing the key concepts and resources for implementing similar programs will be provided.

By attending this poster session, educators, administrators, and policymakers will gain insights into an educational approach that promotes student agency, career exploration, mentorship, and project-based learning. This approach empowers students to make informed decisions about their future while developing essential skills for the workforce.

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Supporting research,from%20kindergarten%20through%20high%20school.

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Session specifications

Project-, problem- & challenge-based learning
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Teachers, Teacher education/higher ed faculty
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
Language arts, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve learning outcomes.
Innovative Designer
  • Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
  • Students develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.