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Unleashing Creativity: Animating and Coding AI-Generated Avatars for Interactive School Projects

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 23

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Hasten Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis
Hasten Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis
Hasten Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis
Technology Coordinator
Hasten Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis
Michael Voskoboynik is the Technology Coordinator at the Hasten Hebrew Academy of Indianapolis. He was born and raised in Ukraine. Michael was a Math teacher prior to his emigration in 1992 and continued his teaching career after his arrival to the US. In addition to Math, Michael began teaching Technology. He developed a passion for using technology to discover family history and assigned various projects that encouraged his students to delve into their ancestors’ stories. Over the past several years, he and his students have been selected to present their innovative projects at various conferences and events around the world.

Session description

My students and I would like to share our experience of creating self-avatars using different platforms, including 3D scanning. Once the avatar has been created, we'll show how to apply various animations and coding blocks in order to use animated avatars in several engaging school projects.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of our presentation is to explore the potential of AI-generated avatars in promoting creativity and interactivity in school projects. We would like to demonstrate how animating and coding these avatars can enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.

The objectives of our presentation are as follows:

- Introduce the concept of AI-generated avatars and their applications in educational settings.
- Showcase the benefits of using avatars for interactive school projects, such as increased student participation and motivation.
- Provide practical guidance on animating and coding AI-generated avatars using new tools and platforms.
- Share examples of successful projects that have leveraged AI-generated avatars to enhance learning experiences.
- Discuss the ethical considerations and potential challenges associated with using AI-generated avatars in educational contexts.
By addressing these objectives, we intend to inspire educators to embrace AI technologies and leverage them to unlock students’ creativity and foster interactive learning environments.

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I will begin our presentation with giving an short overview of our project, explaining tools and ideas that were used. After 10 minutes, my students will take over engaging with the audience one-on-one. Each student will have an iPad for demonstration purposes in addition to a computer connected to the TV screen. Since the audience will change we would repeat the process as needed.
On their devices, students will share their projects and tools they used in those project, breaking down them by component or program:
1. Creating and animating avatars: Avaturn, AvatarSDK,, Scaniverse and Polycam (3D scanning), Blender and Adobe Mixamo.

2. Importing and programming animated avatars: CoSpaces, MyWebAr, Adobe Aero, Spatial, and EurekaWorld.

Students will give concrete examples of how these tools enhanced their ability to create interactive projects, such as "Jumping Back in My Family History", "Harry Potter Adventures", "Virtual School Museum Tour", "Mystery Quest", etc.

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Supporting research

1. "Student Perceptions of AI-Generated Avatars in Teaching Business Ethics: We Might not be Impressed".
This article explores students' perceptions of teaching and learning with AI-generated avatars, highlighting their potential benefits and challenges. It also provides three key pedagogical principles to consider when using AI-generated avatars in education.

2. "Characters for good, created by artificial intelligence".
This article discusses the positive applications of AI-generated characters, including their potential to enhance educational content and enable users to interact with friendly animated characters in various contexts.

3. "Create Immersive eLearning Experiences With Interactive Avatars".
This resource explains how avatars can bring eLearning to life by enabling learners to interact with lifelike characters in simulated environments. It emphasizes the power of storytelling and personalized interactions in engaging learners emotionally.

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Session specifications

Grade level:
Skill level:
Library media specialists, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
Subject area:
Computer science
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Innovative Designer
  • Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
Computational Thinker
  • Students understand how automation works and use algorithmic thinking to develop a sequence of steps to create and test automated solutions.
Creative Communicator
  • Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.