PBL Playbook: Strategies to Engage, Enhance, and Extend Learning in Middle School
Colorado Convention Center, 103/5

Session description
Purpose & objective
The purpose of this presentation is to equip middle school educators with the knowledge, strategies, and tools necessary to effectively implement Project-Based Learning (PBL) in their classrooms. We will walk participants through how our Digital Teaching and Learning team started by implementing a district-wide PBL summer program to build buy-in for a yearlong PBL professional development to help the middle school team and share how this can be replicated district-wide or on a small scale for individual middle school classrooms.
We aim to address the challenge of engaging and empowering middle school students while fostering their voice and choice in their learning journey. By introducing PBL as an instructional model, we provide educators with a solution to enhance student engagement and promote active, meaningful learning experiences. We will utilize the Buck Insitute and PBL Works resources to demonstrate a place for diving deeper into PBL and templates for how to plan their own.
Presentation Topic: PBL Playbook: Strategies to Engage, Enhance, and Extend in Middle School
Duration: 1 hour
I. Introduction (5 minutes)
Welcome and Introduction
Setting the Context: The Importance of Project-Based Learning (PBL)
Overview of the Presentation
II. What is PBL? (10 minutes)
Defining Project-Based Learning
Explaining the Pedagogical Shift
Benefits of PBL
III. The 7 Essential Elements of PBL (15 minutes)
Challenging Problem
Sustained Inquiry
Student Voice & Choice
Critique and Revision
Public Product
Engaging the Audience: Quick Quiz on the 7 Essential Elements
IV. What is Needed for Successful PBL (10 minutes)
Discussing the Key Components
Resources and Support
Aligning with Learning Goals
V. Key Knowledge, Understanding, and Success Skills (10 minutes)
Exploring Learning Goals
Defining Key Knowledge and Understanding
Emphasizing Success Skills
VI. Case Studies from Our District (15 minutes)
Sharing Real-World Examples
Highlighting Successful PBL Implementation
Audience Engagement: Q&A and Discussion
VII. Strategies for Implementing PBL (10 minutes)
Practical Tips and Techniques
Building Community and Industry Connections
Audience Participation: Brainstorming Session
VIII. Conclusion and Takeaways (5 minutes)
Summarizing Key Points
Encouraging Action: How to Get Started with PBL
Thanking the Audience
IX. Q&A and Interactive Discussion (5 minutes)
Opening the Floor to Questions
Engaging the Audience in a Final Discussion
X. Closing Remarks (5 minutes)
Throughout the presentation, engage the audience with activities such as quizzes, brainstorming sessions, and Q&A segments. Foster peer-to-peer interaction and encourage participants to reflect on how they can apply PBL principles in their own educational settings. Utilize multimedia elements, real-life examples, and anecdotes to make the content relatable and engaging.
Supporting research
The PBL Playbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Actually Doing Project-Based Learning by A.J. Juliani
Timeless Learning: How Imagination, Observation, and Zero-Based Thinking Change Schools by Ira Socol, Pam Moran, and Chad Ratliff (Jossey-Bass/Wiley)
Project Based Teaching: How to Create Rigorous and Engaging Learning Experiences by Suzie Boss with John Larmer (ASCD/Buck Institute for Education)
Session specifications
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Knowledge Constructor
- Students plan and employ effective research strategies to locate information and other resources for their intellectual or creative pursuits.
- Students develop, test and refine prototypes as part of a cyclical design process.
- Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.