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The Future of Leadership: AI Tools and Tips for Teachers and Leaders

Colorado Convention Center, 605

Participate and share: Interactive session
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Professional Learning Coordinator
Caitlin is a dedicated professional learning and development enthusiast with a passion for leveraging research-based strategies and adult learning theory to drive growth. As the Professional Learning District Coordinator at Klein Independent School District, she orchestrates district-wide Leadership Development programs, crafts personalized content, and manages diverse learning platforms, benefitting over 7,000 employees and 54,000 students. Caitlin's current passion project is learning about AI and sharing how it can benefit teachers and students in the K-12 landscape.
Digital Learning Specialist
Kleb Intermediate, Klein ISD

Session description

Attendees will learn how to streamline your workflow and maximize productivity using exciting new AI (Artificial Intelligence) tools. Discover how to manage your tasks and collaborate with colleagues in a seamless, efficient way. Leave with actionable strategies and tools to help you save time and focus on what matters most.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of my presentation, "The Future of Leadership: AI Tools and Tips for Teachers and School Leaders," is to equip educators and school leaders with practical knowledge and skills to harness AI tools effectively. These tools will streamline workflow, enhance productivity, and create a more inclusive and equitable educational environment.

Objectives (Participant Outcomes):

Understand AI in Education: Participants will grasp the concept of artificial intelligence in education and its potential impact on teaching and leadership.

Identify Key AI Tools: Participants will gain knowledge of specific AI tools, such as ChatGPT and Bard for administrative tasks, AI-driven content curation, MagicSchoolAI, EduAide, Gamma, Diffit, Curipod, and more.

Enhance Productivity: Attendees will learn how to integrate AI tools into their daily routines to save time and improve efficiency in tasks such as lesson planning, grading, data analysis, and administrative duties.

Promote Inclusivity: Participants will explore how AI can support diverse learners by accommodating various learning styles, languages, and abilities, ensuring equitable access to educational resources.

Foster Collaboration: Attendees will discover how AI tools facilitate collaboration among educators, promoting knowledge-sharing and best practices within their institutions.

Educational Challenge:
The challenge addressed is the growing demand for educators and school leaders to adapt to technology-driven changes in education. Many face time constraints, diverse student populations, and administrative burdens.

Technology Intervention:
Participants will gain knowledge of specific AI tools, such as ChatGPT and Bard for administrative tasks, AI-driven content curation, MagicSchoolAI, EduAide, Gamma, Diffit, Curipod, and more.

Models Employed:
I will showcase practical models of AI implementation in education, including the use of AI for personalized learning paths and AI-driven analytics to inform instructional decisions.

Lesson Plans/Activities:
Participants will engage in hands-on activities using AI tools, creating AI-assisted lesson plans, and exploring data-driven insights to tailor instruction. Instructional electronic resources and tools will include AI-powered content recommendation engines and virtual assistants for administrative tasks.

Evidence of Success:
Success will be measured through post-session surveys assessing participants' understanding of AI concepts, their ability to identify and use AI tools, and their confidence in incorporating AI into their educational practices. Additionally, anecdotal evidence of AI tool adoption and its impact on participants' daily work will be collected through follow-up communication to track implementation progress and success stories.

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Content and Activities:

I. Introduction (5 minutes)
Welcome and session overview.
Setting the context for AI in education.

II. Understanding AI in Education (10 minutes)
Definition of AI and its relevance in the education sector.
Discussion of the current educational challenges AI can address.

III. Key AI Tools in Education (15 minutes)
Introduction to specific AI tools: ChatGPT and Bard for administrative tasks, AI-driven content curation, MagicSchoolAI, EduAide, Gamma, Diffit, Curipod, and more..

IV. Enhancing Productivity with AI (10 minutes)
How to integrate AI tools into daily tasks, including grading, data analysis, and administrative duties.
Case studies of educators benefiting from AI-driven productivity.

V. Promoting Inclusivity with AI (10 minutes)
AI's role in accommodating diverse learning styles, languages, and abilities.
Practical examples of AI supporting diverse learners.

VI. Fostering Collaboration (5 minutes)
How AI tools facilitate collaboration among educators.
Encouraging knowledge-sharing and best practices.

VII. Hands-on Activities (5 minutes)
Participants engage with AI tools, creating AI-assisted lesson plans and exploring AI-driven analytics.

VIII. Wrap-Up and Q&A (5 minutes)
Recap of key takeaways.
Open floor for questions and discussion.

Time Allocation:
Introduction: 5 minutes
Understanding AI in Education: 10 minutes
Key AI Tools in Education: 15 minutes
Enhancing Productivity with AI: 10 minutes
Promoting Inclusivity with AI: 10 minutes
Fostering Collaboration: 5 minutes
Hands-on Activities: 5 minutes
Wrap-Up and Q&A: 5 minutes

Process for Audience Engagement:
Interactive Polls: Use polling software to gauge participants' prior knowledge and opinions on AI in education.

Real-World Examples: Share real success stories and case studies of educators and school leaders who have effectively integrated AI tools.

Small Group Discussions: Break participants into small groups to brainstorm potential AI use cases in their specific educational contexts. They will share their ideas with the larger group.

Hands-on Activities: Encourage participants to interact with AI tools on their devices (if possible) to get a feel for their functionalities.

Live Q&A : Encourage participants to ask questions and share insights throughout the presentation.

Audience Feedback: Use live feedback tools to gather participant thoughts and suggestions on AI implementation in education.

Collaborative Note-Taking: Encourage participants to collaboratively take notes on a shared document or platform for later reference.

Gamified Quiz: End the session with a fun, gamified quiz to reinforce key learnings and engage participants.

By incorporating these engagement tactics, the presentation aims to keep participants actively involved, facilitate knowledge-sharing, and create an interactive and dynamic learning environment.

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Supporting research

Artificial intelligence in education: Addressing ethical challenges in K-12 settings (Selin Akgun and Christine Greenhow)

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Session specifications

Artificial Intelligence
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: iOS, Windows, Android
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Equity and Citizenship Advocate
  • Ensure all students have skilled teachers who actively use technology to meet student learning needs.
Empowering Leader
  • Support educators in using technology to advance learning that meets the diverse learning, cultural, and social-emotional needs of individual students.
For Educators:
  • Model for colleagues the identification, exploration, evaluation, curation and adoption of new digital resources and tools for learning.