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To Accessibility and Beyond:Increasing Student's Literacy and Fluency through Adaptive Tools

Colorado Convention Center, 205

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Library Media Specialist
North Bullitt High School
Mrs. Duvall is a Library Media Specialist at North Bullitt High School located in Shepherdsville, Ky. Mrs. Duvall spent her first 14 years teaching high school social studies then become an elementary library media specialist for 3 years, creating engaging lessons while integrating technology. Currently Mrs. Duvall is a high school Library media specialist where she leads numerous Professional Developments on integrating technology. Mrs. Duvall has presented at numerous technology conferences around Kentucky, including KYSTE and several TeachMeets. Mrs. Duvall was an attendee of ISTE in 2022.

Session description

How a Library Media Specialist and Special Education Instructional Coach increased Freshman students' literacy and fluency through adaptive tools. Session will focus on the adaptive tools used (Screenshot Reader, Select to Speak, Dictation, Rewordify and Best Reader View). We will analyze the use of these tools daily in class.

Purpose & objective

The educational challenge faced in my presentation is students struggling with reading, spelling and comprehension. I was approached by a classroom teacher for assistance in which high school freshman students continually asked for reading passages to be re-read to them and struggling with spelling below level words.
The purpose of my presentation is to share my experience teaching our Freshman students five accessibilities tools (Screenshot Reader, Select to Speak, Dictation, Rewordify and Best Reader View) that will increase their literacy and fluency. I also will speak to the collaboration as a Library Media Specialist working with our Special Education Instructional Coach, School Based Instructional Coach, Assistive Technology Coordinator and our Digital Learning Coach.
My objectives for this presentation:
1) to bring awareness to students and teachers of the universal accessibility tools;
2) Increase the likelihood of use of the tools by sharing their individualized functions with students and engaging in practical application
If this presentation can provide one educator a solution for students or ignite a flame for one educator, it could have an impact on 100s of students. With a rate of return as large as that it is worth the time and effort to spread awareness through this platform. I will outline in this presentation that these technology tools are very much like the mechanical tools that many of us have. Tools can help us to become more efficient, fix things, and build things. They’re use is dependent on the situation and our knowledge of the tools function as well as our experience applying them to a situation. For example, a hammer will not help me to do everything but when I need to nail a board down or hang a picture on the wall, I know that a hammer will help me accomplish that task. It’s up to my experience of application and my knowledge of function to utilize the tool efficiently. This is precisely the reason why it is so important to introduce these technological tools to our students in this fastly-growing, technology diverse world.
Technology to be showcased: Chromebook Accessibility Tools (Select To Speak and Dictation), Chrome Web Store Extensions (Screenshot Reader, Best Reader View) and a website (
Presentation of this Session:
Presentation from Case Study:
BCPS Universal Tools Infographic
(This has been updated since our workshop)-Important to note that best reader view was not included at the time. It may be added in the future)

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Content and activities : I will be presenting information about technology accessibility tools and how they can be useful to students of all abilities and age levels with the goal of increasing literacy, fluency and efficiency. Information will be delivered to the audience in an Edtalk format when discussing a case study. I will provide a mini-lesson of the universal tools that are used in my school district while also sharing my experiences through a case study. Students in my school district are 1 to 1 with Chromebooks. Two of the Universal Tools that were used in the case study are specific to the Chromebooks that are used in my school district. The remaining tools are Google Chrome Extensions that are available to all Chrome Web browser users. Audience members can then participate in the discussion by downloading the tools via the Chrome Webstore and trying the tools for themselves.
Time: The presentation will be divided into four main sections.
*Introduction and objectives (3 minutes)
1. Discussion of the case study:
the team members,
our work with 9th grade students in a suburban school district in Kentucky.(10 minutes)
2. Showing audience members about the tools to be discussed (Screenshot Reader, Select to Speak, Dictation, Rewordify and Best Reader View) and the audience using the tools themselves (15 minutes)
3. Review of our data including students' pre and post assessment along with teacher reflection. (12 minutes)
4. Review of data analysis and how our team used our data to move forward with the accessibility tools and teaching to other students and teachers throughout our school. (9 minutes)
*Closing (1 minute)

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Supporting research

Research that supports Accessibility Tools in Education:
Jackson, A. K. (2023). Closing the Digital Divide: Understanding Organizational Approaches to Digital Accessibility in Higher Education (Order No. 30485338). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2814304736).

Russell, A. (2011). A cognitive load approach to learner-centered design of digital instructional media and supporting accessibility tools (Order No. 1500419). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (899692322).

Muñiz Bermudez, H. G. (2023). Cause for Complaint: A Case Study Exploring Office for Civil Rights Complaints and Resolutions Related to Digital Accessibility at Public Colleges and Universities (Order No. 30574318). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2856684812).

Thaggard, Z. D. (2023). The Teachers' Perspective: How Can Rural Elementary Teachers Use Digital Literacy Tools to Enhance Reading?(Order No. 30575465). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2856704088).

Muthukumaran, A. (2023). Experiences of Middle School Students With Visual Impairments Accessing Technologies in Inclusive Classrooms (Order No. 30573660). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (2854805314).

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Session specifications

Assistive & adaptive technologies
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Attendees will need to download the following Chrome extensions from the Chrome Webstore
ScreenShot Read and Best Reader View
Attendees will need to turn on the following accessibility tools on their chromebook
Select to Speak and Dictation.
Attendees will use the website
Subject area:
Language arts, Special education
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
Change Agent
  • Facilitate equitable use of digital learning tools and content that meet the needs of each learner.
For Education Leaders:
Visionary Planner
  • Evaluate progress on the strategic plan, make course corrections, measure impact and scale effective approaches for using technology to transform learning.
For Educators:
  • Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.