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STEAM and PBL: Creating Innovation in the 21st Century Middle School Classroom,

Colorado Convention Center, 103/5

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21th Century Learning Specialist
Compton Unified School District
@Jose Gonzalez
@Jose Gonzalez
Jose Gonzalez was born in Havana Cuba and came to the US in 1966.  He have been an educator for 22 years, and works for the Compton Unified School District in California. Jose is currently working as the 21st Century Learning Specialist at Davis Middle School. He has appeared in numerous media such as: USA Today’s Storytellers Project, SmartBrief, Now This Media, Smart Media, Telemundo, Verizon Media, and Verizon Global Citizen Videos. Jose has a passion for teaching, collaborating with teachers, Project Based Learning, Student Centered Learning, and working with the Davis Student Tech Team!
Davis Middle School
Davis Middle School
Davis Middle School
Davis Middle School

Session description

Participants will explore the captivating fusion of STEAM and Project-Based Learning in the middle school environment, emphasizing the engagement, collaboration, and innovation it fosters. The presentation will use Real-world examples that showcase the benefits of creating a student-centered, risk-free classroom environment that encourages experimentation and innovation.

Purpose & objective

Purpose and Objectives: The purpose of implementing Project-Based Learning (PBL) and creating a student-centered classroom in a 21st-century middle school is to foster innovation, critical thinking, collaboration, and active engagement among students. Students will share their experiences and knowledge learned through the process
Models employed
Project-Based Learning (PBL): PBL is a pedagogical approach where students learn by actively engaging in real-world, multidisciplinary projects. Our students will speak about their experiences from working on their Homeless Center and Mars Habitat Project.
Flipped Classroom Model: Students will share how using this method learning through online resources or lectures outside of class and then use class time for discussion, collaboration, and hands-on activities related to the content.
Promote Collaboration and Communication: Students will share their success with collaboration that encourages peer-to-peer interaction,
Student-Centered Learning: Students discuss how this method as opposed to traditional teaching better emphasizes student autonomy and choice in their learning.
1:1 Technology Integration: Students will explain why having tablets enhances digital literacy and prepares students for the digital age.
Resistance to Change: Mr. Gonzalez will present on the primary challenges in adopting PBL and student-centered classrooms and the resistance from educators who may be accustomed to traditional teaching methods.
Lesson Plans: Mr. Gonzalez will share his success and lesson plans with the group.
The Overall Objective: Is to demonstrate how PBL and Student Centered Learning encourages students to explore real-world problems, analyze information, and develop solutions. The objective is to cultivate critical thinking skills essential for innovation.

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Enhance Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: Students will share how PBL encourages students to explore real-world problems, analyze information, and develop solutions by presenting their projects
Increase Student Engagement: Students will discuss about their experiences in a Student-centered classrooms and how it empowered them to take ownership of their learning.
1:1 Technology Integration: They will speak on having access to tablets (iPads) allowed for personalized learning experiences, online research, and access to a wide range of resources.
Technology: Students will share about their experience working with Tinkercad (autoCad App), Cospaces App (AR/VR App) 3D printing, and Microprocessors (Arduinos and Micro:bits) enriched the learning experience and provided them with skills useful outside the classroom
Students and Mr. Gonzalez will discuss these strategies that encourage students to think creatively and develop innovative solutions to complex problems.
The purpose is to encourage educators to use these methods that promote creative thinking, while encouraging students to learn and adapt to changing circumstances and envision new possibilities.

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Supporting research

"Project-Based Learning: A Short History" by Edutopia
This article provides a historical overview of PBL and its significance in modern education.
Read the article
"The Case for Student-Centered Learning" by EdSurge
This article discusses the benefits of student-centered learning and its impact on student engagement and achievement.
Read the article
"Why Students Forget—and What You Can Do About It" by Edutopia
This article explores how student-centered approaches, including active learning and PBL, can enhance retention and understanding of concepts.
Read the article
"Project-Based Learning: Real Questions. Real Answers. How to Unpack PBL and Inquiry" by Suzie Boss and John Larmer
This book provides practical guidance on implementing PBL in the classroom and addresses common questions and challenges.
Find the book
"Inquiry-Based Learning: Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating" by Jodi Nickel
This book delves into inquiry-based learning, which is closely related to PBL, and offers strategies for designing effective inquiry-based experiences.
Find the book
Edutopia is a valuable resource for articles, videos, and guides on both PBL and student-centered learning.
Visit Edutopia
Buck Institute for Education (BIE)
BIE is a leading organization dedicated to promoting and supporting PBL. Their website offers a wealth of resources, including project ideas and research articles.
Visit BIE
Recognized Experts:
Dr. John Larmer
John Larmer is the Editor in Chief at the Buck Institute for Education and a leading expert on Project-Based Learning. He has authored several books and articles on the topic.
Learn more
Dr. Allison Zmuda
Allison Zmuda is an education consultant and author known for her work on personalized learning and student-centered practices.
Learn more
These resources and experts provide valuable insights and guidance on the importance and implementation of Project-Based Learning and Student-Centered Learning in education. They offer a wealth of information and practical strategies for educators and schools looking to adopt these approaches.

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Session specifications

Project-, problem- & challenge-based learning
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: iOS
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: iOS
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Tinkercad: is available free on the web
Micro:bit: Makecode website in available free on the web
Cospaces Ed: A trial version is available on the web
Subject area:
Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Global Collaborator
  • Students use collaborative technologies to work with others, including peers, experts or community members, to examine issues and problems from multiple viewpoints.
  • Students explore local and global issues and use collaborative technologies to work with others to investigate solutions.