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Empowering Learning Through Actionable Digital Feedback Strategies

Colorado Convention Center, 207

Participate and share: Interactive session
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Computer Science & Online Learning Coordinator
Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Anna Otto is passionate about providing students with computer science opportunities and supporting 21st century teaching and learning. As the Computer Science and Online Learning Coordinator for Adams 12 Five Star Schools, she oversees and facilitates the development of the K-12 computer science pathway, supports digital literacy integration into core content areas, and is on the district team responsible for developing AI guidelines & professional learning. Anna is the current CSTA Colorado chapter president and has also served as a 4th and 5th grade teacher, research methods instructor, middle school tech and applied tech teacher, and a tech trainer.
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Adams 12 Five Star Schools
Kayla is an educator to help create environments where children can thrive in the future of their choosing in our rapidly changing world. She has served as the Instructional Technology Coordinator in Adams 12 Five Star Schools, a large Denver metro area district, since 2017. Her classroom experience includes middle and high school ELA and ELD both in Colorado and abroad. She earned her Masters in Educational Technology from Michigan State University Overseas Cohort. She is passionate about values-driven leadership, high-leverage instructional practices, and inclusive learning environments through the lens of digital literacy.

Session description

Research shows feedback is one of the most powerful strategies for advancing student achievement. Discover key principles of delivering quality feedback and explore digital tools to make feedback efficient and effective. Cultivate a classroom where students value insights from teachers and embrace peer feedback as a catalyst for growth.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of our presentation is to equip educators with a comprehensive understanding of the transformative potential of effective and timely feedback. We aim to provide participants with actionable strategies and digital tools to enhance the feedback process, making it accessible and empowering for all students. This session addresses the need for personalized and responsive learning environments, ultimately improving student outcomes and metacognitive skills.

By the end of this presentation, participants will:

Understand the Power of Effective Feedback: Participants will grasp the significance of timely and constructive feedback in advancing student achievement. They will recognize how feedback can foster a growth mindset and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement in the classroom.

Learn Effective Feedback Strategies: Educators will acquire a toolkit of effective feedback strategies, including specific techniques for delivering meaningful feedback that promotes learning.

Explore Digital Feedback Tools: Participants will become familiar with a range of digital tools that enhance the feedback process.

Accommodate Diverse Learner Needs: Educators will discover how to use technology to accommodate diverse learner needs by allowing for text, audio, or video feedback and response. They will be able to adapt feedback strategies and tools to meet the unique requirements of their students.

Leverage Peer Feedback Effectively: Participants will learn how to harness the power of peer feedback to increase student engagement, relevance, and timeliness. They will understand the role of peer feedback in fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Support Iterative Learning: Educators will gain insights into how the tools and strategies shared can support students in iterating their work based on received feedback. They will be able to guide students in using feedback as a catalyst for continuous improvement.

Empower Student Voice and Choice: Participants will discover how to empower students by providing them with options for giving and applying feedback, enabling personalized learning experiences.

Models Employed: Our presentation draws from the principles of formative practices, growth mindset theory, and personalized learning models. We emphasize the importance of feedback as a cornerstone of these educational approaches.

Lesson Plans or Instructional Activities/Strategies Employed: During the session, participants will experience examples of digital feedback tools, engage in collaborative conversations on effective feedback strategies, and learn how tools like Seesaw, Flip, Pear Deck, Google Docs, Schoology, etc. can be leveraged to provide accessible formative and summative feedback.
Evidence of Success: Success will be measured by participants' ability to identify changes they wish to make to their current feedback practices and tools available in their schools that will allow for meaningful, accessible, and timely feedback practices. Success will ultimately be evidenced by positive collaborative conversations between participants, an exit ticket, and post-session feedback.

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Content and activities: Participants will learn about the characteristics of effective feedback based on research from Marzano, Black, Chappuis, and Hattie. Platforms that allow for effective feedback will be shared with examples of how these platforms also support special populations such as multilingual learners, special ed students, etc. Participants will be encouraged to think about these tools through the lens of TPACK and impact on student learning.

Time: We anticipate that 20 minutes would be spent on exploring research on effective feedback and building understanding of how to select tools based on pedagogical goals. 30 minutes will be spent on engaging in examples of these various strategies through a variety of platforms. The final 10 minutes will be spent on whole group reflection, Q&A, closure.

Process: Participants will engage in a cooperative structure to explore the research on effective feedback. Activities will be device-based with questions and pre-planned discussion protocols to meet session outcomes and facilitate thinking. Participants will also have the opportunity to engage in peer-to-peer interactions to share their own background and knowledge with one another. A note catcher will also be provided.

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Supporting research

Marzano, R.J. , Pickering,D.J., and Pollock, J.E. (2001). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for improving student achievement. Alexandria, Virginia: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Black, P., Harrison, C., Lee, C., Marshall, B. and Wiliam, D. (2003). Assessment for learning. Berkshire, England: Open University Press.

Chappuis, J. (2009). Seven strategies of assessment for learning. Portland, Oregon: Educational Testing Service.

Hattie, J.C. (2009). Visible learning: A synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. New York, New York: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.

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Session specifications

Instructional design & delivery
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Access to any web browser.
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
Learning Designer
  • Help educators use digital tools to create effective assessments that provide timely feedback and support personalized learning.
For Educators:
  • Use technology to design and implement a variety of formative and summative assessments that accommodate learner needs, provide timely feedback to students and inform instruction.
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.