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Fostering Competent Readers: Technology Integration to Enhance Reading Comprehension in Elementary School

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 24

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Cumbres and Prepa Anáhuac Oaxaca
Assistant to the Dean of studies
Cumbres International School Oaxaca
I am Jose Eduardo Cruz Maldonado, I have a masters degree in education and i'm very interested in improving how students learn with the help of technology.
Academic Coordinator
Cumbres and Prepa Anáhuac Oaxaca
Diego González Algara is currently studying a PhD in Education and Technology, in Universidad Innova, has a Master's Degree in Translation and Interpretation from the University of Las Palmas and a Master in Sciences in International Business from the University of Lincoln in England. He recently completed a master's degree in Educational Directive Management at Universidad Anáhuac. His work in recent years has been advocated for STEAM, maker spaces, and Active Learning Environments. He has a diploma from the Harvard School of Education in Teaching for Comprehension and another in Data Analysis by Cognia.

Session description

This project aims to inspire and enhance the reading comprehension of elementary school children through the effective integration of technology. We will explore how digital tools, online collaboration, and innovation can stimulate creativity and elevate the quality of students' reading comprehension.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of our project is to enhance the reading comprehension of elementary school children through the use of technology and innovative strategies. Objectives include inspiring creativity, improving the quality of reading, and promoting the publication of literary works. The goal is not only to enhance students' literary and communication skills but also to prepare them for an increasingly digital world. Equipping them with the necessary skills to be effective digital communicators and responsible digital citizens.

The educational challenge addressed in this project is improving the reading comprehension of elementary school children. Many students face difficulties in comprehending texts effectively, which can hinder their overall academic progress.

Several technology tools and resources are utilized in this project to address the educational challenge:

1. [Raz-Kids]( An interactive website that provides hundreds of eBooks at 29 different levels of reading difficulty, supporting individualized reading practice.

2. [Scholastic Book Wizard]( An online tool that helps educators find and level books for their students based on their reading levels and interests.

3. [Lexia Reading Core5]( A research-based literacy program that offers personalized learning in reading and language skills for students of all abilities.

4. [Storylineonline]( A website where celebrities read children's books aloud, enhancing engagement and comprehension.

The project employs a blended learning model, combining traditional classroom instruction with technology-based resources. It also incorporates elements of personalized learning, as students can access texts at their appropriate reading levels and receive tailored feedback.

The evidence of success in this project would be measured through various metrics, such as:

-Improved reading comprehension scores among participating students.

-Increased engagement in reading and writing activities.

-Positive feedback from educators regarding the effectiveness of technology integration.

-Increased awareness and application of ISTE standards among educators.

-Enhanced collaboration and creativity among students in their online activities.

The long-term success could be assessed through standardized test scores, reading levels, and feedback from both students and educators on the sustained impact of technology integration on reading comprehension.

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Total Duration: 30 minutes

Content and Activities

1. Introduction (1 minute):

- Welcome to the audience.

- Presentation of the topic and presentation objectives.

- Contextualization of the project and its relevance in the field of educational technology.

2. Exploring Literary Technology (2.5 minutes):

- Description of how digital tools can transform creative writing.

- Examples of useful technological tools and resources for literary production.

- Audience participation: Online survey on the use of technology in creative writing.

3. Reimagining Learning (3.5 minutes):

- Detailed exploration of how technology changes students' interaction with creative writing.

- Discussion of how students can explore different literary genres and receive online feedback.

- Interactive activity: Online collaborative creation of a short story using a real-time writing tool.

4. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (2.5 minutes):

- Focus on inclusion and diversity in creative writing.

- Strategies to promote an inclusive and respectful environment.

- Case study: Students' experience with technology to overcome barriers in writing.

5. Resources for Attendees (2.5 minutes):

- Presentation of links to useful tools and resources.

- Emphasis on accessibility and replication.

- Brief audience question-and-answer session about the presented tools.

6. ISTE Standards and Their Application (2.5 minutes):

- Introduction to ISTE Standards for Students and Educators.

- How the project aligns with these standards.

- Reflection: How educators can apply these standards in their own work.

7. Summary and Conclusion (1 minute):

- Recap of key points and conclusions.

- Highlighting the project's value for students and educators.

- Invitation to the audience to participate in the project and learn more.

8. Questions and Answers (5 minutes):

- Time for the audience to ask questions and share their ideas.

- Sharing contact information for continued conversation outside of the event.

The primary emphasis is active audience participation through online surveys, interactive activities, small group discussions, and opportunities for questions. Technological resources such as real-time writing tools and online surveys will be used to enhance the audience's experience and interaction. The goal is to provide participants with practical ideas and tools that they can use in their own educational environments.

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Supporting research

Biancarosa, C., & Snow, C. E. (2006). Reading next—A vision for action and research in middle and high school literacy:A report to Carnegie Corporation of New York (2nd ed.). Washington, DC:Alliance for Excellent Education.

Connor, Carol & Morrison, Frederick & Petrella, Jocelyn. (2004). Effective Reading Comprehension Instruction: Examining Child x Instruction Interactions.. Journal of Educational Psychology. 96. 682-698. 10.1037/0022-0663.96.4.682.

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Session specifications

Emergent technologies
Grade level:
Skill level:
Principals/head teachers, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Mobile device with any QR reader installed. Atendees will proceed to the main website of the project by following that code.
Subject area:
World languages
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Creative Communicator
  • Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.
  • Students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.
Global Collaborator
  • Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.