Live from ISTE 2024… It's the ISTE Standards for Students Game Show!
Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom 2GH
Session description
Purpose & objective
This ISTE Standards Game Show is back (originally presented in 2021). We will share new tools and activities but keep the fun gaming format! This session aims to discover and evaluate the ISTE Standards for Students. The presenters will use the power and engagement of game-based learning to investigate the ISTE Standards for Students. We will play our way through the gameboard of standards and audience participation. Each spin will reveal a new resource or activity! The presenters will share ways to leverage instruction using the power of the ISTE Standards for Students. Join us to learn about ready-to-go activities that can be used tomorrow. The session will engage participants with collaborative presentations and an interactive game. Audience participation will be encouraged, so come ready to play!
- Participants will unpack the ISTE Standards for Students.
- Participants will participate in an engaging game highlighting the standards.
- Participants will learn about tools and strategies to use in the classroom to meet the ISTE Standards for Students.
- Participants will collaborate with other participants using a tool such as Padlet.
5 minutes - Introduction to session and presenters
5 minutes - Introduction to the game
40 minutes - Game show including 7 categories (each standard). Audience participation is encouraged as we navigate the game board. We will unpack and discuss each of the individual standards. Each presenter will take turns sharing instructional strategies, technology tools, and other tips to use to meet each of the standards throughout the game.
5 minutes - Q/A
5 minutes - Closing
Supporting research
“The ISTE Standards.” ISTE, 2023,,of%20technology%20in%20schools%20worldwide.
Mittha, Chitra. “Using ISTE Standards to Transform Teaching, Learning, and Administration.” Welcome to the Adobe Blog, 26 July 2021,
Nelson, Lara. “What Are the ISTE Standards? Why Are They Important?” What Are the ISTE Standards? Why Are They Important?, 2 Sept. 2023,
Session specifications
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Knowledge Constructor
- Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
- Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.
- Students use digital tools to connect with learners from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, engaging with them in ways that broaden mutual understanding and learning.