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Global Competency Integration in Higher Education STEAM Fields

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 32

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Graduate Student / Elementary Teacher
Rockhurst University, St.Richards School
Lori Bushey comes from 7+ years of teaching experience in public, private, urban, and suburban schools as an elementary music educator. After earning her M.S.Ed in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Central Missouri in 2021, Lori began pursuing her Ed.D and STEAM Graduate Certificate at Rockhurst University. For the past few years, she has conducted research on the implementation of Global Competency in higher education STEAM fields. Through her teaching and research, she aims to empower globally-competent, lifelong learners.

Session description

This session presents the results of a new US research study about the current state of Global Competency in higher education STEAM fields. Attendees will learn effective and customizable implementation methods for their curriculum plans and daily teaching practices and practical ways to contribute to the standardization of Global Competency.

Purpose & objective

Research shows that while Global Competency (global learning, multiculturalism, global citizenship...) is listed in many strategic plans and mission statements, most STEAM educators are not implementing this concept into their curriculum. The purpose of this presentation is to help educators embrace the concept of Global Competency and eliminate it's representation of an empty, overused buzzword. Through interview data, examples and stories of successful implementation methods for each STEAM subject have been collected. Attendees will walk away with a better understanding of how Global Competency applies to their field and successful, content-specific implementation methods that can be used in their curriculum planning and daily teaching methods.

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Elements of the poster presentation to be communicated as attendees approach:
Overview of the definition of Global Competency, discussion of closely related terms
Research-based importance of Global Competency in Education
How Global Competency relates to STEAM Education
Study Findings: Lack of implementation, integration, and standardization of Global Competency in STEAM
Study Findings: Successful implementation methods in curriculum planning and daily teaching practices (example: ethonomathematics, global PBL, exchanges)
Addressing potential challenges: "savior complex", lack of funding, lack of faculty / student diversity
Engagement: Specific methods and strategies presented based on the attendees' content area. Attendees can take home a discipline-specific handout that has implementation methods and resources listed.

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Supporting research

Carter, A. (2020). In Search of the Ideal Tool for International School Teachers to Increase their Global Competency: An Action Research Analysis of the Global Competency Learning Continuum. Journal of Research in International Education, 19(1), 23–37.

Kinzie, J., Helms, R. M., & Cole, J. (2017). Assessing Global Learning. Liberal Education, 30–37.

Rodríguez-Nieto, C. A., & Alsina, Á. (2022). Networking Between Ethnomathematics, STEAM Education, and the Globalized Approach to Analyze Mathematical Connections in Daily Practices. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 18(3).

Rosa, M., & Orey, D. C. (2017). Polysemic interactions of ethnomathematics: an overview. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, 19(3), 589.

Schleicher, A. (2014). PISA 2018 Framework Plans: 38th meeting of the PISA Governing Board.

Vera Cruz, A. C., Madden, P. E., & Asante, C. K. (2018). Toward Cross-Cultural Curriculum Development: An Analysis of Science Education in the Philippines, Ghana, and the United States. In Intercultural Studies of Curriculum (pp. 37–57). Springer International Publishing.

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Session specifications

Curriculum planning & evaluation
Grade level:
Community college/university
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Teachers, Teacher education/higher ed faculty
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
Subject area:
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Stay current with research that supports improved student learning outcomes, including findings from the learning sciences.
  • Create experiences for learners to make positive, socially responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that build relationships and community.