Participants will learn about how to leverage videoconferencing for international student conversations to encourage global citizenship in today's students and why sharing expectations/norms for videoconferencing sessions ahead of time leads to successful conversations between multiple schools.
Challenges addressed include: finding and funding experts for the conversation, finding common times across the globe for connection, finding connecting classes, and considering language barriers.
The videoconferencing tool used for these events is Zoom.
The expert on each session topic shared a 15-minute introduction and talked about their experiences with the topic. For example, in one event, Chris Lubbe talked about his experiences in South Africa during apartheid and as one of Nelson Mandela's bodyguards. Then the conversation turned to each school to talk about what racism is like in their countries and what actions they feel need to be taken to challenge racism. From there Lubbe led a discussion with all the schools participating. In addition to Lubbe we did have a moderator from the GVCEG to facilitate the conversation.
Evidence of success will be shared by teachers/students involved in the events.
As a panel presentation, Mina and I would share an overview of what we did then pose and respond to questions as given by the audience.
Questions could be posed by the audience through a Mentimeter or chat function during the virtual panel to address questions they have regarding these types of collaborations regarding setup, facilitation, student benefit, and teacher thoughts
Videoconferencing for Global Citizenship Education: Wise Practices for
Social Studies Educators, Daniel G. Krutka1 & Kenneth T. Carano2
Using Technology to Prepare Students for the Challenges of Global Citizenship
Dr. Houman Sadri and Dr. Madelyn Flammia
Alliances: The Varkey Foundation: Global Citizenship Alliance