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Gender, Diversity, and the Digital Divide: Let’s Close the Gap!

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 35

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Education Manager & EdTech Coach
EDGEucating LLC
Alicia Verweij is a seasoned educator, passionate about teaching children to think critically and problem-solve in preparation for future careers. She is committed to collaborative, engaging learning techniques and assisting educators in implementing them. In addition to decades of classroom experience, she holds a Master of Education in Educational Leadership, a B.S. in Business Management, an Education Certification, and an endorsement in Gifted Education. She has received numerous grants and awards for her success in the classroom and continues to share her passion for integrating STEAM and Project-based learning at local, state, regional, national, and international levels.

Session description

Learn innovative strategies for inclusive STEM education, and promote diversity. Explore wearable tech, screen-free devices, drones, and rovers to engage students, foster critical thinking, and bridge the gender gap. Learn ways to challenge stereotypes and prepare students for STEM careers in a diverse and empowering learning environment.

Purpose & objective

Objective 1: Promote Diversity and Bridge the Digital Divide
Discuss innovative strategies to promote diversity in STEM education.
Address the digital divide by exploring ways to make technology more accessible.

Objective 2: Explore Diversified Technology
Explore the benefits of using diversified technology in STEM classrooms, including wearable charms, screen-free devices, drones, and rovers.
Understand how these technologies enhance student engagement.

Objective 3: Develop Critical Thinking and Teamwork Skills
Highlight how diversified technology can be leveraged to develop critical thinking and teamwork skills in students.
Provide examples of how these skills are essential in STEM education and careers.

Objective 4: Bridge the STEM Career Gender Gap
Discuss strategies to bridge the gender gap in STEM careers.
Examine how technology can play a role in achieving gender balance in STEM fields.

Objective 5: Break Down Gender Stereotypes
Explore how the use of technology can challenge and break down gender stereotypes in STEM.
Showcase how technology can be a tool for promoting diversity and inclusivity.

Objective 6: Provide Exposure to Emerging Technologies
Explain how the selected technologies offer exposure to emerging and cutting-edge technologies.
Illustrate how this exposure can benefit students in their STEM education and future careers.

Objective 7: Hands-On Experience
Offer participants the opportunity for hands-on experience with the discussed devices, Imagi, CoDrone EDU, Kai’s Clan, BrownDog Gadgets' Crazy Circuits™ Rover Kits, & Kubo.
Allow educators to see firsthand how these technologies can be integrated into the classroom.

Objective 8: Create an Inclusive and Empowering Learning Environment
Encourage educators to join in creating an inclusive learning environment.
Emphasize the importance of empowering students to excel in STEM fields through these strategies.

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I. Introduction-5 min
A. Welcome and session overview.
B. Highlight the importance of diversity and inclusivity in STEM education.
C. Explain the objectives of the presentation.

II. Objective 1: Promote Diversity and Bridge the Digital Divide- 5 min
A. Discuss the current challenges related to diversity and the digital divide in STEM education.
B. Share statistics and insights to underscore the significance of these issues.
C. Introduce the concept of bridging the digital divide through technology.

III. Objective 2: Explore Diversified Technology- 30 min
A. Present various diversified technologies: wearable charms, screen-free devices, drones, and rovers.
B. Explain the benefits of incorporating these technologies in STEM classrooms.
C. Discuss how these technologies can enhance student engagement and learning. Allow time for hands-on experimentation.

IV. Objective 3: Develop Critical Thinking and Teamwork Skills- 5 min
A. Highlight the importance of critical thinking and teamwork skills in STEM education.
B. Provide examples of how diversified technology can be used to foster these skills.
C. Share real-world applications and success stories.

V. Objective 4: Bridge the STEM Career Gender Gap- 5 min
A. Address the gender gap in STEM careers and the need for diversity.
B. Present strategies for encouraging gender diversity in STEM fields.
C. Discuss how technology can support these efforts.

VI. Objective 5: Break Down Gender Stereotypes- 5 min
A. Explore how technology can challenge and break down gender stereotypes in STEM.
B. Showcase examples of diverse role models and their contributions.
C. Provide tips for creating an inclusive classroom culture.

VII. Objective 6: Provide Exposure to Emerging Technologies- 5 min
A. Explain the significance of exposing students to emerging technologies.
B. Discuss the role of drones, rovers, and other tools in this context.
C. Illustrate how this exposure prepares students for future STEM careers.

VIII. Objective 7: Hands-On Experience- 5 min
A. Offer participants the opportunity to interact with selected devices.
B. Demonstrate how these technologies can be integrated into the classroom.
C. Encourage educators to share their experiences and ideas.

IX. Objective 8: Create an Inclusive and Empowering Learning Environment- 5 min
A. Discuss the importance of an inclusive learning environment.
B. Share practical steps for creating such an environment.
C. Encourage educators to join in the mission of preparing students to excel in STEM fields.

X. Q&A and Discussion- 5 min
A. Open the floor for questions and discussion.
B. Allow participants to share their insights, challenges, and ideas.
C. Provide additional resources and references for further exploration.

XI. Conclusion- 5 min
A. Summarize key takeaways from the presentation.
B. Reiterate the importance of diversity and inclusivity in STEM education.
C. Encourage participants to implement the strategies discussed in their classrooms.

XII. Thank You and Closing Remarks

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Session specifications

Equity and inclusion
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Subject area:
Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems.
  • Model and nurture creativity and creative expression to communicate ideas, knowledge or connections.