Enhancing Equity through Flexible Grouping: Unlocking Potential with Forms
Colorado Convention Center, 111/13

Session description
Purpose & objective
The purpose of this interactive session is to help educators improve student performance through effective flexible grouping. Teachers will be prompted to reflect on their current grouping methods, then will become ready to implement varied authentic grouping strategies that are easily executed using Forms. Attendees will complete the session with a plan for effective flexible grouping in their classrooms that provides access to equitable learning experiences.
The structure is based on the 5Es framework. The instructor will model the 5Es in stages throughout the interactive session: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate.
By moving around and experiencing various grouping activities, as well as learning how Forms data can be sorted and extracted, participants will:
• REFLECT on how they currently implement grouping in their classrooms.
• RECOGNIZE the impact of classroom grouping decisions and ACKNOWLEDGE the importance of grouping practices in achieving positive student learning outcomes.
• UNDERSTAND the definition, characteristics, and benefits of implementing flexible grouping.
• PRACTICE various stages of flexible grouping.
• FORMULATE effective workable strategies for implementing flexible grouping in their classrooms.
• APPLY proficiency in leveraging Forms as an integral tool for enhancing flexible grouping equity.
Attendees will know they are successful when they can share immediate action items from the session, which they can practice or apply in their classrooms.
This session will utilize the 5Es Model (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate) to provide a comprehensive framework.
To begin, participants will engage with humorous video clips highlighting the joys, pressures, and pain of being in - or not in certain groups. Attendees will engage in a reflective quick write activity where they will reflect on their current classroom grouping methods. (10 minutes)
In the Explore phase, participants will work in small groups to analyze classroom grouping vignettes and create a pro/con t-chart to gain a deeper understanding of the benefits of implementing flexible grouping. (10 minutes)
During the Explain phase, direct instruction will be provided on the benefits and importance of implementing flexible grouping in the classroom. (10 minutes)
In the Elaborate phase, participants will practice various grouping stages to deepen their understanding and refine their thinking. Attendees will learn how to leverage Forms as a tool to facilitate authentic like-interest groups, choice, and voice through student preferences of how to show their learning, and recent student data to create alternative ranking groups. (20 minutes)
Finally, during the Evaluate phase, participants will assess, reflect, and formulate practical procedures on how to implement flexible grouping in their classroom for success, considering the needs of their students and their own teaching style. (10 minutes)
Supporting research
The Flexibly Grouped Classroom: How to Organize Learning for Equity and Growth (January 2022) By Kristina Doubet. Kristina Doubet is a professor in the Department of Middle, Secondary, and Mathematics Education at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia. https://www.ascd.org/books/the-flexibly-grouped-classroom?variant=121012
ASCD Magazine Article by Kristina Doubet (May 2022): Reviving Collaboration in Classrooms https://www.ascd.org/el/articles/reviving-collaboration-in-classrooms
A Responsive Strategy to Meet Student Needs in Real Time (August 2021) by Lindsay DeHartchuck, M.A. for the National Center for Learning Disabilities https://www.ncld.org/reports-studies/forward-together-2021/flexible-grouping/
Session specifications
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
- Explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning environments that engage and support learning.
Learning Designer
- Collaborate with educators to develop authentic, active learning experiences that foster student agency, deepen content mastery and allow students to demonstrate their competency.
- Collaborate with educators to design accessible and active digital learning environments that accommodate learner variability.