Purpose: To provide resources, examples, and support to educational leaders in creating a culture of trust regarding the use of AI tools in education.
Participants will:
* Understand some of the ethical challenges of AI in education
* Explore needs of schools relating to the use of AI
* Discuss how to address fears of AI through digital citizenship principles
* Begin strategic planning to support the ethical and productive use of AI in schools
This session will apply the 5E Model for Inquiry-Based Learning
10 min- Introduction and poll on AI in education
10 min- AI and Digital Citizenship- exploration of the connection between AI and Digital Citizenship
Explain & Elaborate:
15 min- Working at tables, educators will fill out and self-reflect with a needs assessment of how their organization is discussing and/or implementing AI and digital citizenship. This will be followed by a group discussion.
15 min- Working at tables, educators will communicate and collaborate on a strategic planning vision document to help guide next steps. This will be followed by a group discussion.
5 min- Sharing and feedback discussion
We condensed much of our research on this in our wakelet that we plan to share with attendees. We will edit and clean it up more before the program.