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Using the Neir Model to Build an Equitable STEM Classroom

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 8

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Instructor/Curriculum Developer
Hopewell Area School District
An experienced educator, Mrs. Colangelo has worked with students of all types throughout her 28 years in education. Mrs. Colangelo earned her bachelor's of science from Geneva College and was named a presidential scholar from California University of Pennsylvania when her earned her masters in Technology Education and Curriculum Design. In addition to working with students, she has worked as an independent curriculum and professional development consultant and educator trainer for companies such as Robomatter, Inc, VEX Robotics, Best Robotics, and Editstock and well as conducted several robotics camps at Penn State Beaver, near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Session description

By the end of this session, educators will be equipped with tangible tools, resources, and actionable insights to implement the NEIR Model in their classrooms. Take a significant step towards cultivating a classroom environment that celebrates diversity, promotes equity, and empowers all students to reach their full potential.

Purpose & objective

Join us for an enlightening session on leveraging the NEIR Model to create inclusive and equitable learning environments. The NEIR Model, which stands for Normalize, Educate, Include, and Reflect, provides a comprehensive framework for educators to foster an atmosphere where all students feel valued, empowered, and able to thrive academically and socially. In this session, participants will gain a deeper understanding of each component of the NEIR Model and how they can be effectively applied in an engineering and robotics classroom.

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Attendees will explore practical techniques to actively include all students in the learning process, ensuring equitable access to resources, opportunities, and support. Additionally, participants will discover the power of reflection as a means to continuously assess and improve their practices, ensuring ongoing growth in creating equitable learning environments.
By the end of this session, educators will be equipped with tangible tools, resources, and actionable insights to implement the NEIR Model in their classrooms. Join us and take a significant step towards cultivating a classroom environment that celebrates diversity, promotes equity, and empowers all students to reach their full potential.

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Supporting research

Bayles T, Morrell C. "Creating an Equitable Learning Environment." ChE Division of ASEE, Vol. 52, No. 2, Spring 2018, pp. 143-151.
Morrell C. “Preparing Teachers through Education Programs and Professional Development to Work in Culturally Diverse Environments.” National Advancing Equity in Adult, Community College, and Career and Technical Education Symposium, U.S. Department of Education Office of Career, Technical and Adult Education, October 31, 2016. Invited Presentation.

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Session specifications

Instructional design & delivery
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Curriculum/district specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Subject area:
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Equity and Citizenship Advocate
  • Ensure all students have skilled teachers who actively use technology to meet student learning needs.
  • Ensure all students have access to the technology and connectivity necessary to participate in authentic and engaging learning opportunities.