K-8 schools are unique in that our students can attend one school building for 9 years consecutively. The purpose of this presentation is to show the process and system we created at High Plains School to implement a school wide Digital Portfolio for students to take agency and pride in their learning over time. We did a lot of behind the scenes work with staff to develop staff collective efficacy and a common understanding of Digital Portfolio worthy tasks. We chose to use Google Sites as the platform to create a single digital document. Google Sites allowed us to create a single document that has 4 key sections:Academic/STEAM pages for each grade K-8; Wow Work page for Specials and Electives artifacts; and a All About Me Page for students to add personal attributes each year. We are in year 3 of implementation. We would love to share our journey, process and examples. We also hope to use this experience to share our full story, collaborate and collect ideas as we continue to improve and build Digital Portfolios. Ultimately we are building partnerships with teachers, students and families on student growth over time. We want our students to have a tangible self directed ownership in their learning that can go with them well beyond the 9 years we have them in our 4 walls.
We are proposing to participate in the Poster Session. We will have visual board of our timeline for implementation from rationale to staff Professional Development protocols, to creating a system that ensures easy transfer from year to year - grade to grade, to application with students in the classroom and with families in student-led conferences. We will share live student created Digital Portfolios on the monitor for visitors to interact with. We will have real student examples from all grades K-8. Student examples in grades 2-8 will have three years worth of artifacts. Lastly, we will have three presenters (Kindergarten Teacher, Ms School Teacher and STEAM Coach) on site for questions and answers.
Niguidula, D., (2019) Demonstrating Student Mastery with Digital Badges and Portfolios, Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Berger, R., Rugen, L., Woodfin, L., (2014) Leaders of Their Own Learning: Transforming Schools Through Student-Engaged Assessment 1st Edition, Jossey-Bass
Davis, Vicki (2015) "11 Essentials for Excellent Digital Portfolios
Guiding your students to get the most out of digital portfolios takes careful planning, and we have ideas to help you get started." Edutopia,
Hattie, J., (2017) Visible Learning for Teachers: Maximizing Impact on Learning, 1st Edition, Routledge