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AI in Education: Integrating Cutting-Edge Tools for Enhanced Classroom Learning

Colorado Convention Center, Innovation Arcade: AI Exploration Lab A, Table 1

Innovation arcade: Exploration lab
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Associate Professor
West Texas A&M University
Dr. Brigette Whaley is an Associate Professor of Instructional Design and Technology at West Texas A&M University. Serving in the Department of Education for over seven years, her teaching emphasizes the intersection of ethics, technology, and content-specific methodologies. Prior to her tenure in higher education, Dr. Whaley dedicated 18 years to teaching middle school math in the Dallas/Fort Worth region. She is particularly adept at leveraging technology in the educational landscape, showcasing a specialized focus on AI-driven techniques. Through integrating AI tools in her curriculum, she has noted marked improvements in both student engagement and learning outcomes.

Session description

Explore AI's transformative potential in modern classrooms. Understand how AI tools have been practically implemented in a classroom setting, noting the tangible enhancements in student engagement and outcomes. Attendees will gain hands-on experience with AI tools, discover and discuss ethical implications, and strategize for inclusive, equitable AI-driven pedagogy.

Purpose & objective

The core aim of this session is to demystify the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in reshaping education. By delving into its profound impacts, from transforming instructional methods to personalizing learning trajectories, the session seeks to equip educators with new skills and knowledge needed to harness AI while addressing inherent challenges and ensuring equity.

Objectives (Participant Outcomes)
Comprehensive AI Understanding- Participants will demystify the complexities of AI, appreciating its multifaceted applications in the educational landscape. Experiential Learning- Attendees will be introduced to, and gain hands-on experience with, pivotal AI tools designed specifically for educators.

Ethical Navigations
The session will guide educators in identifying and addressing the ethical conundrums that AI integration may present in the learning environment.

Educational Challenge
Amidst the digital transformation, a pressing challenge remains: ensuring that all students, irrespective of their backgrounds, can access and benefit from cutting-edge tools like AI. The session will spotlight this disparity and seek solutions.

Models Employed
Blended Learning Models- Combining traditional teaching with AI tools for an enhanced experience.

Instructional Activities
Hands-on Exploration- Direct experience with AI platforms tailored for educational use.
Ethical Brainstorms- Group discussions on potential pitfalls and best practices.

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Introduction to AI in Education (5 minutes): Overview of AI and its growing significance in contemporary classrooms. Survey participants on AI use.
Hands-on AI Tool Exploration (20 minutes): Participants engage with AI-driven platforms and tools, gaining practical experience.Device-based activity.
Ethical Implications of AI (10 minutes): Discussion and analysis of the potential challenges and biases. Peer-to-peer.
Strategizing for Equitable AI Integration (20 minutes): Brainstorming and collaborative documentation on ensuring inclusivity in AI-driven teaching. Peer-to-peer.
Q&A and Reflection (5 minutes): Addressing queries and summarizing key takeaways.

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Supporting research

Christodoulou, D. (2020). Teachers vs tech?: The Case for an Ed Tech Revolution. Oxford University Press, USA.

Malik, N., & Solanki, A. (2020). Simulation of human brain: Artificial intelligence-based learning. In Impact of AI Technologies on Teaching, Learning, and Research in Higher Education (pp. 150-160). IGI Global.

World Economic Forum. (2023). Strategic Intelligence | World Economic Forum. Strategic Intelligence.

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Session specifications

Artificial Intelligence
Grade level:
Skill level:
Teachers, Teacher education/higher ed faculty
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
It is recommended, but not required that participants have a Google Drive or OneDrive. It is also recommended that attendees know one of their current content objectives or a topic they are required to teach.
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.
  • Design authentic learning activities that align with content area standards and use digital tools and resources to maximize active, deep learning.