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Project-based learning. Solving everyday problems with robotics and socio-emotional values

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 10

Poster presentation
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Hello, I'm Luís Alves, graduated in Biological Sciences and Master in emerging technologies in education, with an emphasis on active methodologies from MUST UNIVERSITY Florida. I am a professor of Robotics and Biology at Colégio Stocco, located in Santo André, São Paulo. By combining science, technology and robotics in the classroom, I seek to awaken students' curiosity and interest. Through practical and challenging projects, I encourage them to explore the world of science in a creative, collaborative and interdisciplinary way. Robotics and technology have a special place in my heart! I really want to participate in ISTE to learn more!

Session description

The application of robotics in education is an effective and transformative pedagogical tool for developing cognitive and social skills for students. The article explores the approach of six practical cases of learning through projects, problems and challenges with the application of educational robotics.

Purpose & objective

Project-based learning. Solving everyday problems with robotics and socio-emotional values, has the action of challenge students to solve problems based on investigation based on scientific methodology, provoking them to question their daily lives, developing their protagonism, establishing their role in society.
Encourage students to think critically about how robotics can help solve people's everyday problems. Stimulate the development of socio-emotional values ​​based on scientific research, learning more about the various problems that affect the local and global community and, through the design and construction of robotic prototypes, promoting the well-being of human beings in a broad and rich way, seeking to value life and ethical principles in each project.
The projects allowed the development of skills and abilities such as critical thinking, teamwork and communication, socio-emotional attitudes that promote the insertion and acceptance of the individual, respecting their ideas and thoughts, enriching scientific production by promoting ethical and moral values.
With each achievement and challenge overcome, the feeling of accomplishment encourages the student even more to work and seek greater challenges by solving problems, providing gratification and promoting resilience when dealing with frustrations.
Promote student autonomy, organization, responsibility and group collaboration, encouraging freedom of choice and independence of actions.
The promotion of socio-emotional values ​​creates a friendly and favorable environment for the promotion and establishment of socio-emotional values, such as collaboration, teamwork, conflict resolution, empathy, critical thinking, creativity, self-confidence and resilience in the process of learning and achieving goals.

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Through a mixed presentation between the banner, digital resources on the computer and materials produced by students, the following will be demonstrated:
- Review of the main theorists on the content and definition of objectives (10 minutes)
- Presentation of the project phases, methodology and demonstrating the constructions and achievements made (15 minutes)
- Observation of experiments developed by students and discussion of learning gained throughout the process (10 minutes)

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Supporting research

Educational robotics for social impact: an educational approach for digital inclusion:

Impacts of robotics in basic education: comparative study between public and private schools:

Socio-emotional and educational robotics:

CAMPOS, F. R. (2017) Robótica Educacional no Brasil: questões em aberto, desafios e perspectivas futuras. Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação, v. 12, n. 4, p. 2108-2121, 2017.

Eugênio, T. (2020) Aula em jogo: Descomplicando a gamificação para educadores. Ed. Évora.

Evangelista, F.; M. , K. D.; Angelini, M. F. C.; Rocha, M. J. F. (2019) .Sociedade do conhecimento: o uso das TIC por docentes e as novas articulações de saberes educacionais no sudeste do Pará. Observatório , [S. l.], v. 5, n. 5, p. 188–208, 2019.
DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2019v5n5p188. Disponível em: Acessado em 23 de jan. de 2024.

Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. (2017). Educational Research (Sixth). Sage. Johri, A. (2011). The socio-materiality of learning practices and implications for the field of learning technology. Research in Learning Technology. 19(3), 2011, 207–217.

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The project development strategy based on problem solving, according to Campos (2017) hands-on robotics workshops develop problem-based projects that encourage students to become active investigators, questioners, and problem solvers. They need to research, design, build and test their robotic solutions. This practical and interactive process not only reinforces STEM concepts, but also develops essential skills, such (Moran, 2018) as critical thinking, teamwork and communication that allow the maturation of processes of acceptance of individuals with different thoughts and ideas in groups, bringing enormous richness in the scientific production.
Furthermore, robotics adds an exciting dimension to learning. Students see their efforts come to life as their robots respond (Singer, 2017) to commands and solve the problems presented. This instant gratification increases interest in learning and a sense of accomplishment. Even in frustration, learning occurs and resilience gives the student the possibility of trying again (Moran, 2018) and creating solutions for their mistakes and achieving success.
The enthusiasm generated by problem-based robotics projects can be contagious. As students immerse themselves in this exciting world, they often share their experiences with peers, friends and family, thus broadening the educational impact.
In short, robotics in projects based on everyday problems and challenges is an effective way to (Campos, 2017) delight students in learning. The workshop offers a space for transformation and creation where the teaching process is an inspiring journey, where students become protagonists in the search for innovative solutions, preparing them for the challenges of the future with enthusiasm and confidence.
The promotion of autroism, freedom of choice and independence of actions improves students' autonomy (Moran, 2018) in the exercise of their activities, thus stimulating organization, responsibility and group collaboration, just as learning in strategic vision is the basis for the production of good projects.
The promoting socio-emotional values, according to Santos (2014), robotics pedagogical workshops based on learning through projects, problems and challenges are a favorable environment for promoting socio-emotional values. Here are some of the values ​​that can be developed:
Collaboration and Teamwork: Students work in groups to design and build robots, which requires effective communication, sharing of ideas, and division of tasks. They learn to value the contribution of each team member.
Conflict Resolution: As students face technical and creative challenges, natural conflicts arise. They are encouraged to resolve these conflicts (Moran, 2018) constructively, promoting the ability to deal with differences of opinion.
Empathy: When designing robots to improve people's quality of life, students are encouraged to think (Moran, 2018) about the needs and challenges of others. This promotes empathy and understanding of others’ perspectives.
Critical Thinking and Creativity: Solving complex problems stimulates critical thinking and creativity, essential skills for solving everyday problems.
Self-confidence and Resilience: Facing challenges in robotics and overcoming them helps students develop self-confidence and resilience, (Campos, 2017) this way students understand that making mistakes and failing is part of a natural learning process and that through resilience it is possible to achieve the expected goals.

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Robotics as a pedagogical tool must provide tools so that students can accumulate knowledge in a learning environment where they can interact and solve real-world problems (CAMPOS, 2017).
Thus, the strategy proposal proposes four strategies to attract students to robotics, as according to him different students are attracted to different types of robotic activities:
*Projects focus on themes and not just challenges;
*Projects that combine art and engineering;
*Projects that start from a problem and develop into their own narratives
*Projects that allow presentation to the school and scientific community
The initial proposal was made in April 2023 and the projects were developed and finalized in September 2023.
To start the project, the proposal was presented to the students in the form of a generating question: “How can robotics and technology positively transform our local and global reality?”
From this provocation, students were guided in a storm of ideas and groups began to be formed based on interests in common areas.
With the theme established, a second provocation was made: “What is the group’s objective with this proposal?” This action is important to actually establish which path will need to be taken for the project.
The groups were then instructed to research how to achieve this objective and how robotics could actually help (Campos, 2017) in solving or reducing these problems.
After this initial moment, a schedule was established with each of the groups, including activities such as:
-theoretical research on academic websites
-research with professionals in the field (interviews via Google Meet)
-virtual practice using TinkerCad software
-selection of necessary materials searches for electronic components
-beginning of physical prototyping
-initial testing phase
-improvements in the project
-final tests and results obtained.
According to Evangelista (2019), the role of the advisor was to guide, through provocative questions, how the group would proceed. First with the delimitation of the problem to be studied, then what are the needs to be solved by the proposal and what would be the proposed ideas for each stage of the project indicated in the schedule.
To monitor the evolution of the groups, evaluation sheets were created based on criteria of active methodologies and the execution of actions within the time proposed in the schedule.
-delimitation of the problem
-quality of the theoretical research presented
-project viability
-evaluation of the virtual project in TinkerCad
-selection of materials correctly and feasibly
-test phase results and analysis
-final result of the prototype
In the end, the groups received their proposals from the entire school community and an evaluation panel made up of professionals in the field of technology and robotics with no direct connection to the school or the students.

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As results we can highlight:
- student involvement with the proposal and research
- interaction, exchange and respect between group members in listening and respecting their colleague's opinion
- the development of functional practical prototypes
- the approval of projects at the Mostra Nacional de Robótica event that will take place in October 2023
- approval of a group for the national final phase of the Brazilian Robotics Olympiad event that will take place in October 2023
- approval for the state phase at the Brazilian Satellite Olympics that will take place in December 2023
It was possible to see how productive and engaging the methodology of challenging projects is, but at the same time it demands a lot of organization from the teacher applying it.
Brief description of the projects produced by students:
Stocco_Telite: Detecting the formation of frost is possible with the use of robotics and sensors, thus allowing farmers to minimize damage to crops using consolidated agricultural techniques, avoiding increases in food prices, protecting the most vulnerable population.
Boarding Assistance: the work sought to develop a prototype using robotics that would allow greater autonomy, in addition to promoting the right to come and go safely and efficiently for the visually impaired.
Communication device for non-verbal autistic people: project aims to facilitate communication for people with autism spectrum disorder, benefiting individuals and their families. By integrating robotics into social well-being, we make social interaction more accessible and also at low cost.
Terra safe project: The present study proposes the use of robotics and sensors to alert the population living in hillside areas of the Atlantic Forest to the risks of landslides.
Music for everyone: project with the construction of a prototype capable of transforming the vibrations of a guitar strings into light, enabling hearing impaired people to better interpret music.
Salva Vidas: project with the development of a prototype for collecting data in storm sewers, which triggers alerts to prevent the accumulation of rubbish in them, thus avoiding floods and all their risks.
It is possible to see how the projects explore technology, robotics and have a socio-emotional connection in thinking about the needs of others.

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Enable and promote transformation. The present study demonstrates that it is essential to allow students to be protagonists of their intellectual construction, we must stimulate cognitive and pedagogical development through the solution of problems and challenges that encourage them to create and innovate in the field of technology and robotics and that they understand that these actions have an extraordinary impact on the development of our society, making it more fair and welcoming.
This type of work is contagious, it spreads the desire to learn more about each of the projects developed by the students throughout the school community.
My study will allow teachers to understand that this transformation is in our hands in classrooms and cultural spaces. The results of these actions arrive over the months, but in a transformative and captivating way.
In this way, educators can realize that robotics is not just assembly and programming, but a tool that can permeate the most diverse areas of knowledge.

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Brasil. Ministério da Educação e Cultura – MEC. (2018). Base Nacional Comum
Curricular – BNCC. Disponível em:
pdf. Acessado em 21 de jan. de 2023.

Backes, L.; Schlemmer, E. (2014) O Processo de Aprendizagem em Metaverso:
Formação para emancipação digital. Desenvolve – Revista de Gestão do Unilasalle, v.
3, p. 47-64.
Busarello, R.I. (2017) Gamification: princípios e estratégias. São Paulo: Pimenta

CAMPOS, F. R. (2017) Robótica Educacional no Brasil: questões em aberto, desafios e perspectivas futuras. Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação, v. 12, n. 4, p. 2108-2121, 2017.

Eugênio, T. (2020) Aula em jogo: Descomplicando a gamificação para educadores. Ed.

Estefani, T.; Queiroz, (2016) J. O livro infantil ilustrado torna-se digital: book-apps
como artefatos cognitivos. In: XV ENCONTRO ABRALIC, Rio de Janeiro.

Evangelista, F.; M. , K. D.; Angelini, M. F. C.; Rocha, M. J. F. (2019) .Sociedade do
conhecimento: o uso das TIC por docentes e as novas articulações de saberes
educacionais no sudeste do Pará. Observatório , [S. l.], v. 5, n. 5, p. 188–208, 2019.
DOI: 10.20873/uft.2447-4266.2019v5n5p188. Disponível em: Acessado em 23 de jan. de

Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. (2017). Educational Research (Sixth). Sage. Johri, A. (2011). The socio-materiality of learning practices and implications for the field of learning technology. Research in Learning Technology. 19(3), 2011, 207–217.

Johnson, R. B., & Christensen, L. (2017). Educational Research (Sixth). Sage. Johri, A. (2011). The socio-materiality of learning practices and implications for the field of learning technology. Research in Learning Technology. 19(3), 2011, 207–217.

Fardo, M. L. (2013) A gamificação aplicada em ambientes de aprendizagem. RENOTE Revista Novas Tecnologias na Educação, v. 11, n. 1.

Moran, J. (2018). Metodologias ativas para uma aprendizagem mais profunda. In:
Bacich, L.; Moran. J. (Org.). Metodologias ativas para uma educação inovadora: uma
abordagem teórico-prática. Porto Alegre: Penso.

Silva, J. G. & Luz A. A. (2019). A concepção de protagonismo juvenil na legislação
educacional brasileira e do Estado do Paraná. Disponível em Acesso em 23 de jan. de 2023.

Singer, H. (2017) Pelo protagonismo de estudantes, educadores e escolas. In: Lovato,
Antônio; Yirgula, Carolina Prestes; Franzim, Raquel (Orgs.). Protagonismo: a potência
de ação da comunidade. 1.ed. São Paulo: Asoka/Alana, 2017, p. 14-20. Disponível em:
uploads/2017/06/AF_Protagonismo_Portugues_v3.pdf. Acesso em: 23 de jan. de 2023.
Yokota, J. (2014) Picture books and the digital world: Educators making informed choices. The Reading Teacher.

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Session specifications

Project-, problem- & challenge-based learning
Grade level:
Skill level:
Principals/head teachers, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
Subject area:
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
Professional Learning Facilitator
  • Design professional learning based on needs assessments and frameworks for working with adults to support their cultural, social-emotional and learning needs.
For Educators:
  • Shape, advance and accelerate a shared vision for empowered learning with technology by engaging with education stakeholders.
  • Create learning opportunities that challenge students to use a design process and computational thinking to innovate and solve problems.
The submitter of this session has been supported by a company whose product is being included in the session