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Culture Shock: The Power of Google Arts & Culture

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 35

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Director of Teaching and Learning
Director of Teaching and Learning | Education Leader Born in South Africa and now leading education in the United States, Catherine is an award-winning educator with a journey marked by innovation. Starting as a Teacher of the Year, Catherine transitioned into ed-tech, integrating devices into the curriculum. Progressing to roles such as Principal and now Director of Teaching and Learning at Mansfield ISD, Catherine continues to shape education, sharing insights at global conferences.
Digital Learning Coach
I have been in education since 2001 and have been everything from a classroom teacher to a school social worker, to a high school administrator, to now my dream come true- a digital learning coach. I am passionate about technology integration, immersive technologies, and utilizing technology to create productive global citizens.

Session description

Dive into an engaging session, guided through the powerful platform of Google Arts and Culture. Explore its versatility for all learning levels and cross-curricular integration, promoting social-emotional growth. Experience the potential through hands-on exploration and lively discussions, igniting a rich and immersive learning experience.

Purpose & objective

The session aims to empower educators with the knowledge and skills to harness the capabilities of Google Arts and Culture as a transformative educational tool. By exploring its potential, participants will learn how to create inclusive, learner-driven, and technology-enhanced learning experiences that address diverse student needs.

Objectives (Participant Outcomes):

Familiarization with Google Arts and Culture:
Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the Google Arts and Culture platform, including its features, resources, and its potential for educational applications.

Cross-Curricular Integration:
Participants will learn how to integrate Google Arts and Culture into various subjects, aligning it with content area standards to promote cross-curricular learning.

Personalized Learning:
Participants will be able to use the platform to create, adapt, and personalize learning experiences tailored to individual learner differences and needs.

Instructional Design Expertise:
Educators will explore instructional design principles and innovative strategies to develop engaging digital learning environments that actively engage students in cultural exploration.

Information Literacy and Critical Thinking:
Participants will acquire effective research strategies and critical thinking skills while navigating Google Arts and Culture's vast resources, empowering students to curate knowledge and solve real-world problems.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL):
Educators will understand how to incorporate SEL elements into lessons, fostering emotional well-being and empathy among students through the exploration of art, culture, and history.

Educational Challenge:
The educational challenge addressed by this session is the need for educators to adapt to technology-enhanced, learner-centered approaches while fostering cross-curricular learning. The session recognizes that modern education requires a balance between meeting content standards and promoting critical thinking, creativity, and emotional intelligence.

Learning Models to be Employed During the session:

Blended Learning:
The session combines online resources, interactive discussions, and hands-on exploration to offer a blended learning experience.

Instructional Activities/Strategies:

Interactive Exploration:
Participants actively engage with Google Arts and Culture, curating virtual exhibits, and conducting research during the session.

Collaborative Document Creation: Educators and participants collaborate to create a sample lesson plan that integrates Google Arts and Culture.

Evidence of Success:
Success will be measured through participant feedback and their ability to demonstrate the application of Google Arts and Culture in their own teaching environments. Evidence will include the creation of sample lesson plans, artifacts showcasing cross-curricular integration, and assessments that reflect personalized learning and the promotion of social-emotional learning.

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Content and Activities:

Welcome and session overview. (5 minutes)
Brief introduction to Google Arts and Culture.

Familiarization with Google Arts and Culture (10 minutes)
Demonstration of the platform's features and capabilities.
Overview of available resources and virtual tours.

Cross-Curricular Integration (10 minutes)
Discussion on the importance of cross-curricular learning.
Examples of how Google Arts and Culture can be integrated into different subjects.

Personalized Learning with Google Arts and Culture (10 minutes):
Showcasing tools for creating personalized learning experiences.
Highlighting adaptability for learner differences and needs.

Instructional Design Principles (10 minutes):
Exploration of instructional design principles for digital learning.
Strategies for creating innovative, engaging digital environments.

Information Literacy and Critical Thinking (10 minutes):
Guided activity: Participants actively explore real-world issues through Google Arts and Culture.

Discussion on fostering critical thinking skills through cultural exploration.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Integration
Explanation of how SEL elements can be incorporated into lessons.
Emphasis on fostering emotional well-being and empathy through cultural exploration. (7 minutes)

Interactive Exploration (10 minutes):
Hands-on activity: Participants explore Google Arts and Culture.
Curate virtual exhibits or conduct research based on their interests.

Group activity: Participants work together to create a sample lesson plan integrating Google Arts and Culture.
Sharing of ideas and insights. (7 minutes)

Q&A and Discussion (10 minutes):
Open the floor for questions, discussions, and sharing of experiences.
Encourage participants to reflect on how they can apply what they've learned.

Summarize key takeaways.
Provide additional resources for continued learning.
Thank participants for their engagement.

Audience Engagement Tactics:
Polling: Use polling tools to gather participant input on various topics throughout the session.
Interactive Quizzes: Incorporate short quizzes to reinforce key points and keep participants engaged.
Breakout Groups: Divide participants into small breakout groups for discussions and collaborative activities.
Live Demonstrations: Conduct live demonstrations of Google Arts and Culture features, encouraging participants to follow along.
Chat and Q&A: Encourage participants to use chat for questions and comments, and set aside dedicated time for live Q&A.
Virtual Exhibit Creation: Engage participants in creating virtual exhibits or collections on a specific theme within Google Arts and Culture.
Reflection and Sharing: Facilitate moments for participants to reflect on their learning and share insights with the group.
Use of Multimedia: Incorporate visuals, videos, and interactive elements to enhance the presentation.

By combining these engagement tactics with a well-structured content outline, the session will provide an informative, interactive, and immersive learning experience for participants, ensuring that they leave with practical skills and knowledge they can apply in their educational settings.

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Supporting research

Supporting Research:

Google Arts & Culture: A Game Changer for Teaching and Learning" by EdTech Magazine - This article explores how Google Arts and Culture enhances education by providing access to museums and cultural institutions worldwide.

"The Benefits of Cross-Curricular Teaching and Learning" by TeachHub - This article discusses the advantages of cross-curricular teaching, a key aspect of the session's content.

"The Role of Technology in Personalized Learning" by EdSurge - This article delves into the role of technology in creating personalized learning experiences, a topic covered in the session.

"Blended Learning in Action" by Catlin R. Tucker - This book offers insights into blended learning, which is relevant to the session's emphasis on technology-enhanced learning.

"The Art of Critical Pedagogy" by Jeffrey M. Duncan-Andrade and Ernest Morrell - This book explores critical pedagogy and its application in education, which aligns with the session's focus on critical thinking and cultural exploration.

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Session specifications

Creativity & curation tools
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Library media specialists, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Participants should have access to the internet and a Google account on their laptop. We will be visiting Google Arts & Culture on the web (

Participants should be able download the Google Arts & Culture App listed below onto their mobile device:



ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
For Students:
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and pursuing answers and solutions.