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Empowering ELL Students: The Infusion of 5 Best Practices and Technology Sources

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom 3DE

Participate and share: Interactive session
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Miami Dade County Public Schools
Judith Philias is an Elementary Teacher in Miami, Florida. She has been teaching for 17 years and is a member of the Discovery Educator Network as a DEN STAR. She currently serves as her school's Third Grade department chair, a school liaison for the Digital Leader Network, one of the Future Educators of America (FEA) club sponsor, and Dance Team club sponsor. She is passionate about differentiated instruction and challenging her students in new ways, especially with the incorporation of technology!

Session description

In this interactive workshop, attendees will gain practical strategies, tips, and a deeper understanding of how technology can be leveraged to create personalized and effective learning experiences for English Language Learners. A few highlights include cultural sensitivity, differentiated instruction, and vocabulary development.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this presentation is to empower educators with practical strategies and technology tools to enhance English Language Learner (ELL) instruction. It addresses the challenges faced by ELL students, such as language barriers and academic difficulties, and demonstrates how technology can be a transformative solution. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the challenges ELL students encounter in language acquisition and academic learning and will be introduced to specific technology tools, including Discovery Education, Canva, and others, and will understand how the features that are embedded in these sites can address language barriers and enhance ELL engagement. Additionally, participants will learn best practices in ELL instruction, including differentiated instruction, cultural sensitivity, vocabulary development, assessment, and interactive learning. Essentially, discovering how to create culturally inclusive learning environments and personalized learning experiences tailored to ELL students' unique needs and language proficiency levels.

The educational challenge that will be addressed is the need to provide effective support to ELL students who face language barriers and academic struggles. This happens way too often. At times, challenges are evident in delivering inclusive and engaging instruction that caters to diverse language proficiency levels and cultural backgrounds, especially when various languages are in one classroom setting.

The technology intervention will include Discovery Education and its vast library of multimedia resources, including videos, virtual field trips, and interactive activities, and strategies to support ELL instruction. Even if an attendee does not have access to Discovery Education, I will provide a digital substitute that can support some of these resources. Another main technology intervention will be the use of Canva’s features, including students creating videos, which is great audio aspect for ELL students, maintaining a learning portfolio that will show growth, and increase the digital appeal for the visual learners.

This presentation will be a blended learning model, combining both asynchronous and synchronous elements. Participants will engage in hands-on activities, view demonstrations, and collaborate with peers. It also integrates the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework to ensure inclusivity and accessibility.

A few of the Instructional Activities/Strategies Employed include:
Differentiated Instruction: Participants will explore how to customize content and activities to match ELLs' proficiency levels using technology. This includes differentiating passages and comprehension questions.
Vocabulary Development: Participants will learn how to leverage multimedia resources to enhance vocabulary development using strategies that can be used in a digital format or the traditional paper and pen based.
Interactive Learning: Examples of interactive activities, such as virtual labs and simulations, will be showcased.
Assessment and Feedback: Technology-enabled assessment tools and strategies for providing timely feedback will be discussed created through several sites.

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This hour-long presentation is designed to be informative, interactive, and engaging, ensuring that participants receive valuable insights and practical strategies for enhancing ELL instruction with technology.

I. Introduction (5 minutes)
Welcome and Overview
Introduce the session, and outline the objectives. Use a brief icebreaker question to encourage participation.
Setting the Stage: The Challenges Faced by ELL Students
Importance of Technology in ELL Instruction

II. Understanding the Challenges (10 minutes)
Discuss the challenges faced by ELL students (language barriers, academic difficulties, cultural adjustments). Share real-life anecdotes and statistics. Encourage participants to share their experiences or thoughts via a chat or discussion board.

III. Technology Interventions (15 minutes)
Introduction to technology tools and their benefits for ELLs. Provide an overview of each tool, showcase key features, and demonstrate how they address ELL challenges. Use screen sharing for tool demonstrations.

IV. Best Practices in ELL Instruction (10 minutes)
Discuss best practices, including differentiated instruction, cultural sensitivity, and vocabulary development. Share strategies, tips, and examples. Ask participants to brainstorm how these practices can be applied in their classrooms via a chat or discussion.

V. Creating Inclusive Learning Environments (5 minutes)
Highlight the importance of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles.
Briefly explain UDL, and encourage participants to consider how UDL principles can benefit ELL instruction. Poll the audience on their familiarity with UDL concepts.

VI. Personalized Learning with Technology (10 minutes)
Explore personalized learning for ELLs and how technology supports it. Share examples of personalized learning activities using the showcased tools, as well as showcasing interactive learning activities and their benefits. Participants will reflect on how they can personalize their lessons. I will should them ways to create assignments to differentiate their instruction. Provide quick examples of interactive activities suitable for ELLs. As a group, we will explore ways to make their Reading and Social Studies lessons more engaging.

VII. Assessment, Feedback, and Takeaways (5 minutes)
Discuss technology-enabled assessment tools and timely feedback. Provide a recap key points, strategies, and resources. Highlight the importance of assessment for ELLs and showcase sample assessment tools briefly. Ask participants to share their thoughts or experiences. Summarize the main takeaways, share additional resources (e.g., handouts, links), and emphasize the value of technology in ELL instruction.

VIII. Q&A and Open Discussion (5 minutes)
Address participant questions and encourage open discussion. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions, share insights, or seek clarification.

Throughout the presentation audience engagement will include most of the following:
- Polls and interactive questions throughout the presentation to keep participants engaged.
- Chat discussions, where participants can share their experiences and ideas.
- Brief peer interaction.
- Share real-world examples and case studies to illustrate concepts.
- Visually engaging slides and multimedia elements to maintain interest.

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Supporting research

"Using Technology to Enhance Reading: Innovative Approaches to Literacy Instruction" by Timothy V. Rasinsk, PhD (2015)

“10 Teacher Picks for Best Tech Tools” by Jonathan Eckert (2021)

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Session specifications

Universal Design for Learning/differentiated learning
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
If the attendee has an account with Discovery Education and Canva, that would be useful.

Subject area:
ELL, Language arts
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.