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Video as Rocket fuel for Coaches

Colorado Convention Center, 405/6/7

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Senior Partner
Instructional Coaching Group
Jim Knight: Twitter: @jimknight99 Instagram: @jimknight99 Linkedin: Jim Knight, Founder and Senior Partner of Instructional Coaching Group (ICG), is also a research associate at the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning. He has spent more than two decades studying professional learning and instructional coaching. Jim earned his PhD in Education from the University of Kansas and has won several university teaching, innovation, and service awards.Jim Knight, Co-Founder of Instructional Coaching Group, has spent over two decades studying instructional coaching. Jim earned his PhD in Education from the University of Kansas and has received university teaching, innovation, and service awards. As a pioneer in the instructional coaching field, Jim has written several books and has authored articles on instructional coaching and professional learning in publications such as Educational Leadership, The Journal of Staff Development, Principal Leadership and more. Through ICG, Jim hosts the podcast “Coaching Conversations,” developed the asynchronous learning platform Radical Learners, and provides consulting for education systems around the world.

Session description

Dr. Knight will discuss different ways video can be used for learning by coaches, teachers, teams and principals to improve their own practice. Incorporating video in instructional coaching is a strategic and forward-thinking approach that aligns with modern educational practices that will dramatically improve the quality of student outcomes.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this Forum is to show the power of video as a tool for coaches, teachers and principals. In this forum, Dr. Knight will discuss how video offers a dynamic and versatile medium for professional development, feedback and reflection. Video is a transformative step forward in our ability to learn and improve in the classroom because it provides an instant and objective account of current reality. Leveraging video can significantly amplify the impact of instructional coaching, promoting teacher growth, and ultimately improving student outcomes.

Dr. Knight will further discuss how video is used to get a clear picture of reality in the identify stage of the Impact Cycle and to then be able to set student-focused, PEERS goals that the coach and teacher can work through together in the Learn and Improve stages of the Impact Cycle. Video provides a unique opportunity for teachers and instructional coaches to observe, reflect upon and refine teaching practices. By reviewing video footage of classroom instruction, educators can identify strengths, areas for improvement, and strategies to enhance their instructional approaches.

Attendees will additionally learn how video allows for detailed and precise feedback, enabling instructional coaches to provide targeted guidance, strategies, and suggestions to teachers. They will see how this can foster a culture of continuous improvement and empower teachers to implement effective instructional techniques.

Another objective in Dr. Knight’s forum will be to discuss how video allows for personalized and tailored professional development experiences. Instructional coaches can select specific video clips based on the teacher’s needs and goals, tailoring the coaching process for maximum impact. He will further discuss how video technology enables asynchronous communication, allowing instructional coaches to provide feedback and engage in reflective conversations at a convenient time. This optimizes the use of both the coaches' and the teacher’s time.

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Video as a Reflective Tool in the "Identify" Stage

The "Identify" stage of the coaching cycle involves assessing the current state of a teacher's instructional practice, getting a clear picture of reality and identifying areas of strength and improvement. Video provides a unique opportunity for teachers and instructional coaches to achieve these goals. By recording and reviewing classroom instruction, educators can objectively assess teaching strategies, student engagement, and classroom dynamics. This reflective process serves as the foundation for setting specific coaching goals and developing a tailored improvement plan.

Benefits in the "Identify" Stage

Objective Observation

Video recordings allow instructional coaches to observe classroom instruction without bias, providing an authentic view of teaching practices. This objectivity helps coaches and teachers to accurately identify strengths and areas for growth, setting the stage for targeted professional development.

Data-Driven Decisions

Video-based evidence offers concrete data for identifying patterns and trends in teaching practices. This data can inform coaching conversations, making them more precise and focused on the teacher's unique needs.

Goal Setting

In the "Identify" stage, video serves as a catalyst for meaningful goal setting. Instructional coaches and teachers can collaboratively set powerful, emotionally compelling, easy, reachable and student-focused (PEERS) goals based on the observations and insights gained from video analysis.

Implementation Plan for the "Identify" Stage

Capture and Review Process

Recording Procedures: Establish clear guidelines for recording classroom sessions, ensuring that the process is non-disruptive and respects student privacy.

Review Protocol: Define a systematic approach for reviewing videos, focusing on key instructional practices and student engagement indicators.

Collaborative Feedback

Coaching Conversations: Structure coaching conversations around the video analysis, encouraging open dialogue and reflection between the instructional coach and teacher.

Goal Setting: Use the video analysis findings to collaboratively set PEERS goals for professional growth.

Potential Challenges and Mitigation Strategies

Resistance to Being Recorded

Communication: Clearly communicate the benefits of video-based coaching in the "Identify" stage, emphasizing its role in promoting growth and development.

Consent: Ensure that all stakeholders, including teachers and students, provide informed consent for video recording and sharing.

Privacy and Ethical Considerations

Data Handling: Develop and adhere to stringent data handling and privacy policies to protect the confidentiality of recorded materials.

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Supporting research

Focus on Teaching by Dr.Knight
The Impact Cycle by Dr. Knight

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Session specifications

Coaching & mentoring
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Principals/head teachers, Coaches
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
Change Agent
  • Create a shared vision and culture for using technology to learn and accelerate transformation through the coaching process.
  • Establish trusting and respectful coaching relationships that encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies.