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Barcode Or Not To Barcode That Is The Question, Evolution Beyond Barcoding

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 40

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Technology Asset Administrator
Aurora public Schools
Jennifer Prusak, a dynamic Technology Asset Manager, is fueled by a passion for learning and education. With degrees in Education and Educational Technology, she excels in procurement, inventory management, and fostering fruitful vendor relationships at Aurora Public Schools. Jennifer's expertise encompasses LMS Content Creation, Adult Learning Theories, and more, showcasing her dedication to enhancing education through technology integration and strategic leadership. She stands as a stalwart in the educational landscape, embodying innovation and knowledge.

Session description

Dive into the changing landscape of asset management in school districts, focusing on the question of whether barcoding remains necessary for low-cost items like Chromebooks. Attendees will gain insights into alternative tracking methods, cost-effectiveness considerations, and forward-thinking strategies to optimize asset management efficiently and economically.

Purpose & objective

Purpose and Objectives:

Presentation Title: "Rethinking Asset Management: The Evolution Beyond Barcoding for Low-Cost Items like Chromebooks"

The purpose of this presentation is to challenge traditional asset management practices and explore innovative approaches for efficiently managing low-cost assets, particularly Chromebooks, in educational settings. By reevaluating the necessity of barcoding and proposing alternative methods, we aim to optimize resource utilization and improve overall asset management effectiveness.

Objectives and Participant Outcomes:
Participants will:
1. Understand Traditional Asset Management Limitations:
- Recognize the limitations of conventional asset management methods, particularly barcoding, in the context of low-cost assets like Chromebooks.

2. Explore Alternative Asset Management Approaches:
- Gain insights into alternative asset management methods such as RFID technology, cloud-based inventory systems, and QR codes, and understand how these can be applied to enhance efficiency.

3. Evaluate Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability:
- Learn to assess the cost-effectiveness and scalability of different asset management solutions to determine the most suitable approach for their educational institution.

4. Enhance Efficiency and Accuracy:
- Discover strategies to improve efficiency and accuracy in asset tracking and monitoring, ensuring streamlined processes and reducing administrative burden.

5. Explore Future-Forward Strategies:
- Gain an understanding of emerging trends and technologies that may further revolutionize asset management, allowing for future-proofing of their educational institution's systems.

Educational or Infrastructure Challenge/Situation:
The challenge lies in efficiently managing a large number of low-cost assets like Chromebooks within educational institutions. Traditional barcoding, while effective for high-value items, can be cost-prohibitive and administratively burdensome for low-cost assets.

Technology Intervention:
Utilizing RFID technology, cloud-based inventory systems, and QR codes as alternatives to barcoding. RFID technology enables wireless and automated tracking, while cloud-based systems offer centralized data management. QR codes provide a simple and cost-effective way to link physical assets to digital information.

Models Employed:
- RFID-based Asset Tracking Model:
- RFID tags are affixed to assets, and RFID readers automatically capture data, updating the asset inventory in real-time.
- Cloud-Based Inventory Management Model:
- A centralized cloud platform is used to monitor and manage asset data, providing easy accessibility and efficient updates across the institution.

Lesson Plans or Instructional Activities/Strategies Employed:
- Interactive Presentations:
- Engage participants through interactive presentations explaining asset management challenges and potential solutions.
- Case Studies:
- Analyze real-world case studies showcasing successful implementations of RFID and cloud-based systems for asset management in educational institutions.

Evidence of Success:
Past implementations of RFID technology and cloud-based inventory systems have shown a significant reduction in time spent on asset management, improved accuracy in inventory tracking, and considerable cost savings compared to traditional barcoding methods. These successes demonstrate the effectiveness and viability of the proposed asset management alternatives.

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Total Presentation Time: 60 minutes

I. Introduction (5 minutes)
- Content:
- Brief overview of the challenges in asset management, specifically focusing on low-cost assets like Chromebooks.
- Process:
- Welcome and set the context for the session.

II. Traditional Asset Management and Limitations (10 minutes)
- Content:
- Explanation of traditional asset management methods, focusing on barcoding and its limitations for low-cost assets.
- Process:
- Interactive discussion to highlight the drawbacks of traditional asset management.

III. Alternative Asset Management Approaches (15 minutes)
- Content:
- Presentation of alternative asset management methods: RFID technology, cloud-based inventory systems, and QR codes.
- Process:
- Demonstrations and visual aids to explain each alternative approach.

IV. Evaluating Cost-Effectiveness and Scalability (10 minutes)
- Content:
- Discussing factors to consider when evaluating cost-effectiveness and scalability of alternative asset management methods.
- Process:
- Scenario-based discussions to analyze cost-effectiveness and scalability.

V. Enhancing Efficiency and Accuracy (10 minutes)
- Content:
- Strategies to improve efficiency and accuracy in asset tracking, focusing on the advantages of the proposed alternative methods.
- Process:
- Group discussions to brainstorm efficiency-enhancing strategies.

VI. Exploring Future-Forward Strategies (5 minutes)
- Content:
- Presenting emerging trends and technologies in asset management for educational institutions.
- Process:
- Q&A and open discussion to encourage participants to share their thoughts on future possibilities.

VII. Case Studies and Success Stories (5 minutes)
- Content:
- Brief overview of successful case studies implementing alternative asset management approaches.
- Process:
- Brief analysis and sharing of insights from the case studies.

VIII. Q&A and Discussion (5 minutes)
- Content:
- Open floor for questions, discussions, and sharing of experiences related to asset management.
- Process:
- Audience engagement through interactive Q&A and discussion.

IX. Conclusion and Key Takeaways (5 minutes)
- Content:
- Summarizing key points and takeaways from the session.
- Process:
- Encourage participants to reflect on what they've learned and how they can implement new strategies in their educational institutions.

X. Closing Remarks (5 minutes)
- Content:
- Express gratitude, invite further questions, and provide contact information for follow-up inquiries.
- Process:
- Encourage participants to reach out for additional support or clarifications.

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Supporting research


"Information Technology for Management: Advancing Sustainable, Profitable Business Growth" by Efraim Turban, Linda Volonino, and Gregory R. Wood.
"Strategic Planning for Information Systems" by John Ward and Joe Peppard.
Articles and Journals:

"Improving Asset Management in Schools with RFID Technology" by Yanping Huang, Min Wu, and Huijun Gao. (Published in the International Journal of Digital Curation)
"Cloud-based Asset Management in Educational Institutions: An Analysis of Potential Benefits and Challenges" by Abbas Al-Azzawi, Abid Khan, and Abdul Nasir Khan. (Published in the Journal of King Saud University - Computer and Information Sciences)
Websites and Organizations:

ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education): A leading organization promoting the use of technology to transform teaching and learning. Their resources often highlight efficient asset management and technology integration in education.
EDUCAUSE: A nonprofit association focused on advancing higher education through the use of information technology. Their articles and resources often discuss IT infrastructure, including asset management.
Experts and Professionals:

Dr. Jackie Forbes: An expert in educational technology and asset management, often speaking at conferences and contributing to educational publications.
Dr. Mark Nichols: A recognized expert in the field of educational technology infrastructure and asset management, with a focus on cost-effective solutions.

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Session specifications

Technology infrastructure & connectivity
Grade level:
Skill level:
Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Library media specialists, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Systems Designer
  • Lead teams to collaboratively establish robust infrastructure and systems needed to implement the strategic plan.
  • Ensure that resources for supporting the effective use of technology for learning are sufficient and scalable to meet future demand.
  • Establish partnerships that support the strategic vision, achieve learning priorities and improve operations.