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How to make an English Class Dynamic and Interactive

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 36

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Highlands international school
Highlands international school
Highlands international school
Highlands international school

Session description

Scrooge Play gives the chance to students to interact in groups, as collaborative work, they are able to develop skills and abilities each group is in charge of developing tasks to create the play. The teams are divided into: staff, stage, sound effects, and costumes.

Purpose & objective

Educational or infrastructure challenge/situation.
Educational challenge: students didn't want to make the project at first, because they thought it was boring. Once they engaged with the activity and the guide was given to them, they found out that the program was for them to create from scratch, and they started to develop an interest in the creation of the play.

Technology intervention: we used programs like green screen to develop the stage and use the no-sound room for the students to record their voices, they also used cameras in order to record different settings. Such as iMovie, GarageBand and TouchCast Studio. Makers' space, was an ideal ally in order for the students to work on their own

Models employed PBL – Project-based learning: Students analyze how to organize to create groups and define

Lesson plans or instructional activities/strategies employed session
1: roles, session
2: describe each of the roles session
3: planning session
4: strategic plan and calendar.
session 5- 10: development
session: 11 play

Evidence of success.
We showed the play to all middle school class and staff, and students were happy with their results, for example, students were proud of the effort, and skills that they developed during the process of making the play, and they engaged with their class an create a good and happy environment, kids where interactive, artistic and creative.

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introduction of the topic, development of the project, and conclusion
time: 3 min. pitch
Process: each of the participants will be assigned one task to demonstrate the process that we used at school.

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Supporting research

Using drama to enhance literacy: The 'school drama' initiative. Abstract: High-quality arts education has a wide range of impressive educational outcomes.
In the Spaces Between the Words: Play Production as an Interpretive Enterprise. Abstract: The educational benefits of performing plays are afforded through the activity of interpretation integral to such performance.
Theatre that Enthrals. Abstract: Engages and Educates: An Artistic Pedagogical Tool
Theatre as a Vehicle for Mobilizing Knowledge in Education. Abstract: The use of theater has the ability to increase the impact of research use on practitioners in education.
The Importance of Theater Pedagogy from a Student's Perspective. An Empirical Study in a German-Speaking Elementary School in Romania. Abstract: Students themselves recognize the significant and positive impact of the education through theater regarding the emotional, social and aesthetic development (as components of personal development).
From Theory into Practice: Theatre-in-Education and Child Transformative Development. Abstract: Dramatic activities are a method of learning in the classroom situation.
Theatre is an important part of the educational process. Abstract: The use of theatrical techniques encourages the usage of the written language.
From Theory into Practice: Theatre-in-Education and Child Transformative Development. Abstract: Dramatic activities are a method of learning in the classroom situation.
THEATRE ARTS AND ITS IMPORTANCE IN EDUCATION. Abstract: Theatre is a powerful tool to spread social messages across the length and breadth of the country.
Creative and Innovative Experience in Vocational Education & Training. Abstract: Theatre in education is shown to be an effective pedagogical tool.

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Session specifications

Grade level:
Skill level:
Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
hdmi cable
Subject area:
Language arts, Performing/visual arts
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.
Innovative Designer
  • Students know and use a deliberate design process for generating ideas, testing theories, creating innovative artifacts or solving authentic problems.
Creative Communicator
  • Students communicate complex ideas clearly and effectively by creating or using a variety of digital objects such as visualizations, models or simulations.