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The EdTech Coaching Heatwave: Are You Ready to Blaze a Trail?

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom 2A

Participate and share: Interactive session
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Instructional Technology Coordinator
Arlington Public Schools
Catie Bales has over 15 years of experience in education, specializing in coaching and designing engaging, learner-focused lessons. She empowers educators through innovative training and champions inclusive, technology-infused curriculum. Dedicated to supporting teachers, she creates dynamic solutions to enhance learning. Outside of work, Catie is a Leo/Virgo who enjoys quilting and adventures with her two children.
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Arlington Public Schools
I am a collaborative instructional designer and coach with 8 years of experience creating and implementing learning strategies. My passion lies in crafting engaging educational experiences that empower learners to thrive. When I'm not in the classroom, I love traveling, spending time with my family, and gardening.
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Arlington Public Schools
As an experienced educator and coach, my focus is to enhance the learning experience. I believe coaching is a key component for staff and student development. I have taught Pre-K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade over the years. Currently, I serve as an Instructional Technology Coach for Arlington Public Schools. Personally, I enjoy sports and take great pleasure in watching my son pursue his interests.
Instructional Technology Coordinator
Arlington Public Schools
With 18 years of experience in teaching technology and engineering from PreK to 8th grade, Rayla Parquet is dedicated to advancing EdTech practices and strategies. Currently serving as an instructional technology coach, she specializes in guiding fellow educators to integrate technology meaningfully across all content areas. Passionate about collaboration, Rayla's focus is to create engaging learning environments that enhance student success. Her commitment to professional development and educator support ensures that technology is used not just effectively, but also creatively, to inspire and empower students and teachers alike.

Session description

Coaching is a vital role for an effective Edtech leader, but it feels like there's not enough time in the day to successfully implement. In this session you will learn strategies for 15 minute coaching sessions that will empower your teachers to own their learning and professional development journeys.

Purpose & objective

The purpose of this presentation is to equip Edtech leaders with practical strategies for efficient and effective coaching in just 15 minutes. Recognizing the importance of coaching in educational technology leadership, this session aims to address the common time constraints faced by leaders and empower them to foster professional development among their teachers. Through a focused exploration of coaching techniques, participants will leave with a toolbox of skills to inspire and support teachers on their learning journeys.

Define Coaching in Edtech Leadership: Begin by establishing a clear understanding of what coaching means in the context of educational technology leadership. Highlight its significance in driving positive change within educational institutions.

Acknowledge Time Constraints: Address the challenge of limited time for coaching in the daily responsibilities of Edtech leaders. Understand the reasons behind this limitation and the implications it has on professional development.
Introduce 15-Minute Coaching: Present the concept of 15-minute coaching sessions as a practical solution to time constraints. Explain how this approach can be a game-changer in empowering teachers to take ownership of their learning.

Key Coaching Techniques:
a. Committed Listening: Explore the importance of active listening in coaching and its role in building trust and rapport.
b. Paraphrasing: Teach participants how to rephrase and summarize effectively to ensure clarity and mutual understanding.
c. Presuming Positive Intent: Emphasize the power of assuming positive intent in communication and how it can lead to more constructive conversations.
d. Powerful Questions: Provide examples and guidance on asking thought-provoking questions that stimulate critical thinking.
e. Reflective Feedback: Discuss the art of delivering feedback in a way that encourages reflection and growth.

Interactive Activities: Engage participants with hands-on activities and role-playing exercises to practice the coaching techniques introduced.

Q&A and Discussion: Allocate time for participants to ask questions, share their experiences, and seek clarification on the presented concepts.

Resources and Further Support:
Provide a list of recommended resources, books, websites, and communities where Edtech leaders can continue to enhance their coaching skills and stay updated on best practices.

Participant Outcomes:
By the end of this presentation, Edtech leaders will have the knowledge and tools to implement 15-minute coaching sessions that empower their teachers to take charge of their own professional development, ultimately enhancing the overall educational experience.

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Introduction of presenters (1 min)

Why we need a shift in coaching mindset to be coachee-led and focused (4 min)

Skills for effective and efficient coaching (15 min)
- Committed listening
- Paraphrasing
- Presuming Positive Intent and Powerful Questions
- Reflective Feedback
- This section will provide examples of best practices and suggested “do’s and dont’s” e.g. why we don’t say “what I hear you saying is…” when paraphrasing

Model a coaching conversation (10 min)
- Presenters will ask for an attendee willing to be coached, and if nobody volunteers, one presenter will coach another presenter. Attendees will be able to observe two things:
- The coachee setting the goal for the coaching session
- The coach using committed listening, paraphrasing, presuming positive intent, powerful questioning, and reflective feedback to support the coachee’s thinking in establishing best next steps to accomplish their goal.

Ask audience to share feedback on what they observed (5 min)
Practice coaching (20 min)
- Attendees will pair up and engage in a coaching conversation, taking turns being the coach and coachee to practice implementing the strategies we introduced and modeled
- While participants are practicing, the presenters will come around providing support and answering questions

Debrief coaching and provide suggested next steps/additional resources (5 min)

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Supporting research

The Importance of Coaching Now and in the Future

How Coaching can Impact Teachers, Principals and Students

Researched Backed Ways to Improve Feedback for Teachers

The Whys and Hows of EdTech Coaching

Creating Meaningful Coaching Relationships for EdTech Implementation

Results Coaching: The New Essential for School Leaders
By: Kathryn Kee, Karen Anderson Vicky Dearing, Edna Harris Frances Shuster

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Session specifications

Coaching & mentoring
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Principals/head teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices not needed
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
  • Establish trusting and respectful coaching relationships that encourage educators to explore new instructional strategies.
  • Personalize support for educators by planning and modeling the effective use of technology to improve student learning.
Professional Learning Facilitator
  • Build the capacity of educators, leaders and instructional teams to put the ISTE Standards into practice by facilitating active learning and providing meaningful feedback.