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Transforming California's Schools: shiftED's Digital Literacy Success Story

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 9

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Chief Technology & Innovation Officer
Santa Cruz County Office of Education
Jason has worked in the K-12 environment for over 20 years--First as a teacher. Jason spent many years following by supporting school administrators across California as part of the statewide Technology Information Center for Administrative Leadership (TICAL) project as well training teachers in transformative practices in their classroom. Jason spent 3-years in leading curriculum and technology programs in the Silicon Valley. Currently, Jason is leading Technology and Innovation, at the Santa Cruz County Office of Education as the Chief Technology & Innovation Officer is former president of the Board of CUE, INC. Jason is Google Certified Trainer and Google Certified Innovator.
EdTech & Innovation Coach
Stephanie, based at the Santa Cruz County Office of Education, is a seasoned professional bridging the curriculum and tech teams. She specializes in designing and delivering cutting-edge professional development for TK-12 educators, focusing on innovative technology integration practices. She curates essential resources and maintains the EdTech & Innovation website ( and the Bits & Bytes newsletter. Stephanie actively contributes to various EdTech working groups at local, regional, and statewide levels, fostering collaboration and resource sharing. Notably, she co-founded the shiftED initiative (, promoting systemic digital literacy implementation in site and district teams.

Session description

Discover how shiftED, a transformative initiative, elevated digital literacy in California schools. Explore the journey of the first cohort, their remarkable progress, and the tools that empowered them. Gain insights into digital literacy assessment, strategic planning, and the program's statewide impact.

Purpose & objective

Identify key elements of Digital Literacy - use shifted slides
Define digital literacy definitions and frameworks
Share examples of best practice of digital literacy implementation aligned to core curricula being used
Share evaluation tool participants can use to evaluate their own schools/districts towards digital literacy proficiency
Model discussions participants can utilize with staff
Demonstrate the planning/digital literacy roadmap tool being used by shiftED participants.
Share templates and resources that can be used/synthesized by participants at your schools/districts.

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Setting the Stage (10 minutes)
Welcome and introduction of the session's objectives.
Overview of the current landscape of education and the critical role of digital literacy.
Discussion on the challenges educators face in integrating technology effectively.

shiftED Journey (15 minutes)
Presentation of key achievements and highlights from the 2022-2023 academic year.
Showcase of the first cohort's transformation through digital literacy.
Sharing of participant testimonials and success stories.

The Tools of Transformation (10 minutes)
In-depth exploration of the digital literacy assessment tool and the virtual roadmap tool.
Explanation of how these tools empower educators and schools to plan strategically.

Meeting the Growing Demand (5 minutes)
Insight into the increasing interest in shiftED across California.
Discussion of plans to extend the program's reach to more educators.
Interactive Activity 3: Hands-On Exploration (5 minutes)
Participants engage in a hands-on activity using one of the digital literacy tools discussed.
Q&A and group discussion on the activity.

Q&A and Discussion (10 minutes)
Open floor for questions, comments, and discussions with the audience.
Encourage participants to share their own experiences and challenges related to digital literacy.

Conclusion and Call to Action (5 minutes)
Summarize key takeaways and insights from the session.
Invite participants to connect, explore resources, and consider joining the shiftED community.

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Supporting research

Here are some sources and recognized experts that support the importance of digital literacy in education and the practices being presented:
1. ISTE Standards for Educators:
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) provides a comprehensive framework for educators, emphasizing the importance of digital literacy and technology integration in education.

3. EdSurge (Website):
EdSurge is a valuable resource for educators, offering articles, research, and insights into the latest trends and best practices in educational technology and digital literacy. Website Link

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Session specifications

Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Principals/head teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Web browser
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Visionary Planner
  • Engage education stakeholders in developing and adopting a shared vision for using technology to improve student success, informed by the learning sciences.
  • Build on the shared vision by collaboratively creating a strategic plan that articulates how technology will be used to enhance learning.
For Educators:
  • Shape, advance and accelerate a shared vision for empowered learning with technology by engaging with education stakeholders.