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Empowering the Future: Commercial Drone Pilot Training and STEM Education

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 28

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STEM Program Manager
Phylydia Hudson M.B.A. is a visionary STEM Program Manager who has made significant contributions to the field of STEM education. She is renowned for the pioneering work in developing and launching the Corliss Drone Pilot Academy, a groundbreaking initiative that marked the first public school in the USA to offer Commercial Drone Pilot Licensing to high school students. Phylydia has been at the forefront of providing innovative and engaging STEM opportunities to underserved high school students. She has been featured in various media outlets for her contributions and innovative work in STEM education.

Session description

1. Introduction (5 minutes): Corliss STEM H.S. Drone Pilot Academy 2. Creating the Program (15 minutes): 3. Student Success Stories (10 minutes): 4. STEM Education Impact (10 minutes): 5. Creating Your Own Signature STEM Program (20 minutes): (How to initiate and sustain a similar program at your school)

Purpose & objective

Join us for an engaging workshop that explores the success story of Corliss Early College STEM High School’s Drone Pilot Academy. Discover how we initiated and nurtured this intensive Drone Technology internship program, celebrated our student’s achievements and empowered them to become Certified and Licensed Commercial Drone pilots. Learn about the diverse career opportunities this specialized skill set offers and the broader implications for STEM education.

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1. Introduction (5 minutes):
• Brief overview of Corliss Early College STEM H.S. Drone Pilot Academy program and its remarkable achievements. (video)
2. Creating the Program (15 minutes):
• Explore the process of conceiving and establishing the Drone Pilot Academy, including the program’s goals and objectives.
3. Student Success Stories (10 minutes):
• Highlight the exceptional students at Corliss emphasizing their journey to becoming licensed Commercial Drone pilots and making history. (First African American Female under the age of 21 to receive Commercial Drone License & Youngest woman of Hispanic descent to earn her Commercial Drone License in the US)
4. STEM Education Impact (10 minutes):
• Discuss how the program aligns with STEM Career Pathways and enhances student employability and engagement in STEM fields.
5. Creating Your Own Signature STEM Program (20 minutes):
• Share insights into how to initiate and sustain a similar program at your educational institution, including resource requirements and best practices.
6. Q & A
• Open the floor for questions, discussions, and brainstorming on integrating STEM into your educational programs.

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Session specifications

Innovation in higher education
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Windows
Laptop: PC
Tablet: Windows
Subject area:
ISTE Standards:
For Education Leaders:
Empowering Leader
  • Inspire a culture of innovation and collaboration that allows the time and space to explore and experiment with digital tools.