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You Can Call Me AI: Unpacking the Robot in your Classroom

Colorado Convention Center, 107/9

Participate and share: Interactive session
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Fayette County Public Schools
Donnie Piercey is the 2021 Kentucky Teacher of the Year, and he specializes in using technology to promote student inquiry and engagement. This past year, Donnie published the top selling "50 Strategies for Integrating AI in to the Classroom" published through Teacher Created Materials. Over the past eighteen years of teaching, these interests have given him the chance to represent his class all around the world, including a National Geographic fellowship to Antarctica in 2018. Donnie is also the host of Teachers Passing Notes, Gen-Z Media’s podcast created for educators.

Session description

Curious about some pedagogically sound artificial intelligence activities? This session explores practical ways to incorporate AI into your classroom lessons and activities. Through real-world examples, discover how AI fosters student engagement, creativity, and critical thinking. Leave with actionable strategies to enhance your teaching and spark student creativity through AI.

Purpose & objective

Purpose and Objectives

- The primary aim of this session is to equip teachers with the understanding and skills needed to utilize AI as a transformative tool for lesson design and classroom instruction. By shifting the narrative of AI from a theoretical concept to a practical toolset, educators will be able to effectively adapt and enhance their pedagogical techniques.

Participant Outcomes

- Attendees will be able to recognize the potential of AI as an instructional partner, understanding its capabilities and limitations within the classroom environment.

- Attendees will be able to identify and evaluate AI-powered educational apps and and how they can augment classroom management, student engagement, and assessment.

- Attendees will be able to formulate creative ways to integrate AI tools into their existing curriculum, including lesson planning, classroom activities, and project-based learning.

- Attendees will be able to contribute to a collaborative community document, sharing best practices, tips, and AI-enhanced classroom resources for the benefit of a broader educational community.

Educational Challenge

- The challenge lies in integrating AI in a way that naturally complements existing teaching methods, rather than complicating them. This session will offer real-world examples and best practices for overcoming this challenge.

Technology Intervention

- The session will introduce educators to specific AI tools, such as text and image generators, that are directly applicable to classroom instruction and lesson planning. Attendees will receive a comprehensive list of these resources, including guidelines on how to implement them effectively in a way that benefits student learning, engagement, and mastery.

Models Employed

- We will employ a learner-centered, Inquiry-Based Learning model, aligned with ISTE standards, to guide the creation of AI-enhanced experiences. This approach ensures that the AI tools introduced are directly applicable and beneficial in real-world classroom settings.

Lesson Plans or Instructional Activities

- Teachers will engage in hands-on activities to design lesson plans that meaningfully incorporate AI, from modifying current lesson plans to creating entirely new instructional activities. These lessons will be shared in a community document, accessible to all participants for continued learning and adaptation.

Evidence of Success

- The evidence of success will be shown in the collaborative community document. This resource will capture the newly designed, AI-enhanced lesson plans contributed by participants.

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Kick-Off: Live AI Demo (5 minutes)
Open with an attention-grabbing AI demo that connects to classroom content.
5 minutes

Activity 1: PL-AI Time—The AI-Driven Classroom Experience (15 minutes)
Dive right into a spontaneous play ("PL-AI"), featuring attendee participation and driven by an AI prompt from the audience. This being done to showcase the potential of AI to create engaging classroom experiences.

AI Unveiled (10 minutes)
To dispel AI myths and establish its educational applications, attendees will be shown "what's new" in the world of AI. This will be live demo, some Q&A from the audience, and a chance for attendees to do a quick share about different ways that they've used AI this past year.

Activity 2: Guess the Prompt (10 minutes)
To show the attendees some practical classroom applications of AI, they'll be shown some AI-generated images and have attendees guess the original prompt. They'll discuss how this can translate into a creative writing activity for students, "Tell this story" etc.

AI—Your Classroom's Unsung Hero (10 minutes)
To explore how AI can assist in classroom management, student engagement, and more. Attendees will be shown a series of AI generated prompts to have minireakout discussions for attendees to share experiences and concerns.

No Prep? No Problem! (10 minutes)
Presenters Share pre-prepared resources that educators can directly implement in their classrooms.

Time: 10 minutes
Iconic Speeches, Fictional Styles (10 minutes)
To showcase another practical in classroom activity, attendees give famous speeches from movies or books, but in the style of a chosen fictional character.
this will Demonstrates how AI can be used for creative and educational storytelling.

Wrap-Up & Open Forum (5 minutes)
Tecap and guide towards next steps they will field questions and direct attendees to the community document.

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Supporting research

Holmes, W., Bialik, M., & Fadel, C. (2019). Artificial Intelligence in Education: Promises and Implications for Teaching and learning. Center for Curriculum Redesign.

Mhlanga, David, Open AI in Education, the Responsible and Ethical Use of ChatGPT Towards Lifelong Learning (February 11, 2023). Available at SSRN: or

Udvaros, J., & Forman, N., Artificial Intelligence and Education 4.0, 17th International Technology, Education and Development Conference (March 6-8, 2023). Budapest Business School, Hungary. Available in INTED2023 Proceedings, pages 6309-6317. ISBN: 978-84-09-49026-4, ISSN: 2340-1079. doi: 10.21125/inted.2023.1670. Location: Valencia, Spain. Available at:

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Session specifications

Artificial Intelligence
Grade level:
Skill level:
Chief technology officers/superintendents/school board members, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Android, iOS, Windows
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: Android, iOS, Windows
ISTE Standards:
For Coaches:
Learning Designer
  • Model the use of instructional design principles with educators to create effective digital learning environments.
For Educators:
  • Use technology to create, adapt and personalize learning experiences that foster independent learning and accommodate learner differences and needs.
  • Explore and apply instructional design principles to create innovative digital learning environments that engage and support learning.