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Creativity and Metacognition through Emerging Media Arts

Colorado Convention Center, Bluebird Ballroom Lobby, Table 2

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Art Specialist
University of Nebraska Lincoln
Matt Auch Moedy is an artist and elementary school teacher who has worked for Lincoln Public Schools since 2007. He earned his master's degree in curriculum and instruction in 2012. He is interested in student choice and voice, and how those intersect with play and ambiguity. Besides art and teaching, he enjoys the outdoors with family and friends.
University of Nebraska Lincoln
PhD Candidate and Lecturer
University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Gretchen is a contemporary lighting designer who builds light installations and sculpture. Her work is an innovative exploration of electronics, woodworking, digital fabrication methods, projection design, and creative code. She teaches creative coding at the Johnny Carson Center for Emerging Media Art, and is a doctoral candidate in Teaching and Learning with Innovative Technologies at the UNL. She researches pedagogic strategies for teaching technical material to artists, and avidly nurtures students' personal and critical involvement in creative work. She has led numerous educational experiences that aim to bring creative technologies into everyday life, and is currently engaged in three grant-funded research projects.
Teacher Educator
University of Nebraska Lincoln TLTE
Dad, Educator, and professor of #Edu @UNL. I focus my research on teacher education, literacy integration with technology and the arts, and innovative schooling. In recent years, I have been studying innovative learning in Nebraska, India, South Africa, and China focusing on Computer Science, mobile devices, PBL, and creativity. Published numerous articles, and books, as well as extensive digital authorship. I lead the Nebraska regional partnership. I blog at, podcast at tech-edge on apple podcasts, and TechEdge01 on Youtube and artteams. Right now I am focused on AI in EDU.

Session description

Participants will engage in learning in/through emerging media arts, and explore a learning cycle embedding contemporary art practices. The hands-on workshop will blend technology with creative expression, bolstering trans-disciplinary learning in the ever-evolving landscape of learning in the fourth industrial revolution.

Purpose & objective

Purpose of the Workshop:
The purpose of this workshop on transdisciplinary learning through emerging media and contemporary arts is to introduce participants to the innovative landscape of digital artistic expression, equipping them with arts-based inquiry skills, conceptual knowledge, and creative mindset needed to support students in navigating and learning in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Objectives of the Workshop:

Skill Acquisition: Equip participants with steps and scaffolds related to contemporary media arts tools and platforms.
Conceptual Understanding: Familiarize attendees with the historical context, current trends, and future potentialities of media and contemporary arts within the broader digital revolution.
Creative Exploration: Provide opportunities for attendees to conceptualize, create, and refine their own media arts learning projects.
Collaborative Learning: Foster an environment of fostering collaborative learning, where students can share ideas, provide feedback, and work together on group projects.
Ethical Considerations: Educate participants on the ethical implications, responsibilities, and best practices related to digital creation, sharing, and consumption.
Integration of Diverse Voices: Prioritize and celebrate inclusivity and student voice, ensuring that the learning is a space where diverse voices, backgrounds, and perspectives evolve and become valued.
Connection to Real-world Applications: Link learning content to real-world applications the broader technology sector, preparing students for future endeavors.
Through this workshop, we aim to empower educators to be active, informed, and ethical educators who support their students in becoming creators and learners.

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Introduction to the Art TEAMS Project and Media Arts (10 minutes):

Brief overview of media and contemporary arts, its historical context, and its significance in today's digital era.
Quick icebreaker activity: Attendees share a digital artwork or media piece they recently encountered and loved.
Interactive Presentation (15 minutes):
A dynamic exploration of a learning idea using Thinking Journals to create ideas and generate interest.

Hands-on Exploration (20 minutes):
Attendees are given access to a model of inquiry.
Guided activity: Create a visual representation of your inquiry.

Mixing or creating emerging media Project (20 minutes):
Attendees are grouped and tasked to collaborate on a small media arts project using the tool/platform introduced.
Goal: Produce a short animation or interactive piece that conveys a specific theme or message.

Exhbition of lLearning(10 minutes):
Groups showcase their projects.
Attendees provide warm feedback, promoting collaborative learning.

Ethical Considerations Discussion (10 minutes):
A brief presentation on the ethics of digital creation and the promotion of voice and choice.

Wrap-up and Q&A (5 minutes):
Summarize key takeaways from the workshop.
Open the floor for questions and further discussions.

This structured 90-minute workshop ensures participants gain conceptual knowledge and hands-on experience, fostering both individual creativity and collaborative learning in the realm of media arts.

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Supporting research

This work is supported by the research conducted by the Art TEAMS federal grant.
Marshall, J. (2019). Integrating the visual arts across the curriculum: An elementary and middle school guide. Teachers College Press.
Lampert, N. (2013). Inquiry and critical thinking in an elementary art program. Art Education, 66(6), 6-11.
Erişti, S. D., & Kurt, A. A. (2011). Elementary school students’ perceptions of technology in their pictorial representations. Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry, 2(1), 24-37.

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Session specifications

Creativity & curation tools
Grade level:
Skill level:
Curriculum/district specialists, Teachers, Technology coordinators/facilitators
Attendee devices:
Devices useful
Attendee device specification:
Smartphone: Windows, Android, iOS
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Tablet: iOS, Windows, Android
Subject area:
Performing/visual arts, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Educators:
  • Foster a culture where students take ownership of their learning goals and outcomes in both independent and group settings.
For Students:
Creative Communicator
  • Students choose the appropriate platforms and tools for meeting the desired objectives of their creation or communication.
  • Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.