Participants will identify various social identities, recognize power imbalances, and develop an understanding of the experiences and challenges faced by individuals with different identities
Participants will create original digital projects, incorporating multimedia elements to represent their insights gained from the perspective-taking exercise.
Participants will reflect on their own biases and privileges, inspiring them to take actionable steps in their classrooms and lives to promote inclusivity and understanding.
I. Introduction (5 minutes)
A. Overview of Session Objectives and Agenda (5 minutes)
II. Understanding Identities and Power Dynamics (10 minutes)
A. Interactive Activity: Exploring Different Identities and Power Structures (5 minutes)
B. Individual or group work: Recognizing Privileges and Challenges (5 minutes)
III. Choosing Identity Focus and Musical Exploration (20 minutes)
A. Participants Choose Identity Facet for Focus (2 minutes)
B. Introduction to Musical Characters and Song Choices (5 minutes)
C. Introduction to Listening Guide (5 minutes)
D. Listening Activity: Analyzing Lyrics of Chosen Songs (8 minutes)
IV. Creative Digital Project (15 minutes)
A. Introducing Adobe Express (5 minutes)
B. Hands-on Activity: Creating Digital Representations (10 minutes)
V. Conclusion and Call to Action (10 minutes)
A. Summary of Key Learnings and Takeaways (3 minutes)
B. Encouragement for Action: Applying Understanding in Real-Life Contexts (2 minutes)
C. Extension Ideas (5 minutes)
Fundamentals of SEL:
Picower, B. (2012) Using their words: Six elements of social justice curriculum design for the elementary classroom. International Journal of Multicultural Education. Vol. 14 (1).
MAEC Equity Audit 2021:
Aden, Joëlle. (2015). Theatre Education for an Empathic Society. 10.13140/RG.2.1.1956.5920.
King, L. J., & Chandler, P. T. (2016). From non-racism to anti-racism in social studies teacher education: Social studies and racial pedagogical content knowledge. In Rethinking social studies teacher education in the twenty-first century (pp. 3-21). Springer, Cham.
Wheeler-Bell, Q. & Swalwell, K. “How could we solve that problem?” Cultivating a healthy democracy through democratic classrooms. In Evans, R. (Ed.). (2021). Handbook on teaching social issues. Info Age.
Jackson, K. M. (2023). When Diversity Isn't the Point: Mirrors, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors in the Classroom. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 22 (1). Retrieved from
Bishop, R. S. (1990). Mirrors, windows, and sliding glass doors. Perspectives: Choosing and Using Books for the Classroom, 6 (3). Perspectives: Choosing and Using Books for the Classroom, 6(3), ix-xi.