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Kids can Code with Google Docs? Yes they can, start today!

Colorado Convention Center, 203

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Digital Learning Coordinator
Fresno County Superintendent of Schools
eran Ott, Ed.D. earned his Doctorate in Learning Technologies from Pepperdine University, is a Google Innovator (MTV14), owner/author of, adjunct professor at CSU, Fresno and the Digital Learning Coordinator for the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools. His work centers around the implementation of various technology systems across the sphere of education. Current projects include bringing the biofacts of the Fresno Chaffee Zoo to the digital space using 3D modeling and photogrammetry and creating a Court and Community Schools system that allows students to access online curriculum and start working towards their diploma from day 1.

Session description

This session is inspired by my experience that learning to code can be really empowering. I developed a Google Apps Script called "Code with Docs" that allows anyone to use Google Docs as a coding environment, which requires no external resources, and empowers students to learn and create with code.

Purpose & objective

The use of Google Docs for coding allows teachers to provide scaffolding resources for students to learn about coding while giving the students freedom to be creative and have fun coding. Teachers who use Google Classroom to hand out assignments have the added advantage of being able to review the students work at any time, and to run the code and see what the student is able to do. The use of white tables on a colored background gives students a known place to do their work. In my experience this method has worked with students of all grade levels to guide them to what work needs to be completed.

The ability to structure the document with the necessary tables (needed for the code to be pulled) in conjunction with space to support learning with directions and scaffold allows both teachers and students to be more confident in their ability to code. Kids are able to build something new and special while learning about HTML formatting, color values, CSS, and much more. They are able to start learning about code so that they can take on other creative projects like a coded book report or history project. The creative potential is limitless with some basic resources and search skills that students can easily learn.

As a CSP facilitator I have seen 5 cohorts of teachers develop their understanding of Computer Science and bring that subject to life for students. As an add-on designer I fully know the power and opportunity that learning to code within the G-Suite brings to me, and I want students to experience the same opportunities. The strategies and design of the activities teachers will engage in have been developed over years of coaching teachers on the use of Ed Tech to create unique learning experiences for their students. I have never met a student who could not learn through these methods when given the time and resources. In general, the students take on this content far quicker than adults, so when the participants take Code with Docs back into their classrooms they will likely be very surprised with the level of engagement and creativity.

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Tools required: Mobile device (laptop or chromebook preferred, iPad Pro can also be used), Google Account, Google Classroom if desired

Minute 0 - 5 (5 minutes total):
Presenter will: Introduce the Speaker and share the new Computer Science Standards for California Public Schools, specifically highlighting connections to writing, creating and interpreting Code. Millions of students use Google Docs everyday, why not start using the platform to make coding accessible for all of them.
Participants will: Access presentation and download resources to access Code with Docs

Code with Docs basic
Minute 6 - 25 (20 minutes total), Introduction and use of Code with Docs.
Participants will: get a copy of the basic document and will receive instruction on writing their own code, and viewing their code. This will be focused on a typical student “Get to know you” page that will allow for creativity and expression of the participants. Participants will have example code and resources to build their own “About me!” code which they will view inside of Google Docs using a modal viewer (pop-up you often see when using an add-on). This coding, when accessed through a custom menu, will result in a modal view that demonstrates the participants learning and self expression.
Presenter will: walk participants through creation of their custom “About Me!” code and teach them how to view and troubleshoot their code.

How to implement Code with Docs in the Classroom
Minute 26-35 (10 minutes)
Presenter will: discuss strategies to deploy to students, ways to scaffold learning, discussing student choice
Participants will: learn how to deploy in Google Classroom and explore additional files with examples of scaffolds and resources for student choice as they develop their personalized code

Extension into Intermediate/Advanced use of Code with Docs
Minute 36-45 (10 minutes)
Presenter will: share how these modal views can be made accessible as their own webpage by deploying them as a WebApp.
Participants will: deploy their personal “About Me!” code as a WebApp, submit the code to a Google Form, and explore what other participants have created.

45-50 Closing Remarks and Q&A
Presenter will: share location of additional resources, thank the participants for their participation, and open the floor to Q&A and address the Digital Parking Lot question
Participants will: Ask questions, finalize their code, submit their WebApp, and view others Code with Docs webpages.

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Supporting research

This session supports Adult Learners by addressing the six main assumptions of Knowle’s adult learning theory

Self-concept. Adult participants are autonomous, independent, and self-directed and will be given the tools to allow them to learn and explore Code with Docs at their own pace.
Learning from Experience. Adult participants will experience, possibly for the first time, the opportunity to write code from scratch in a familiar program that reduces the anxiety of learning a new program. They will experience their own learning, but will also see the outcomes of each other's learning to code.
Readiness to Learn. Adult participants often lead activities like “About Me!”, but this gives students a different opportunity that allows them to experience Computer Science in a new and easily accessible way.
Immediate Applications. Adult participants will be able to immediately take these resources and have their students learn to Code with Docs. Additional templates with other activities will be provided that are not all first-of-the-year activities like “About Me!” to allow for use this Spring or Summer.
Internally Motivated. Adults participants will likely be happy to present a little about themselves in a new creative way that they have never done before.
Need to Know. Adult participants know that Computer Science is a very powerful tool for students' future careers but may not know how to support and encourage students to engage in CS. Code with Docs is a simple yet powerful way to start small and grow infinitely complex with student needs.

Resource: Kenyon and Hase (2001, )

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Session specifications

Computer science & computational thinking
Grade level:
Skill level:
Coaches, Principals/head teachers, Teachers
Attendee devices:
Devices required
Attendee device specification:
Laptop: Chromebook, Mac, PC
Participant accounts, software and other materials:
Google Account required
Subject area:
Computer science, STEM/STEAM
ISTE Standards:
For Students:
Empowered Learner
  • Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that support the learning process.
Knowledge Constructor
  • Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions.
Creative Communicator
  • Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations.